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The e-commerce.

Change "Add to cart" button to "Download" button instead?


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i had a library selling e-books

some for free and i wish that "FREE products" can be directly downloaded without add to cart then checkout process


if anyone can help me to change "Add to cart" button to "Download" Button

sure not the button picture only, but the link button redirect to.



if it can't be done to some products Only

how to make it for "ALL PRODUCTS" as i can setup an ordinary oscommerce for the paid products

and another one for all free products



suggest a script to me that looks like oscommerce , contain admin panel and easy as oscommerce and let users download each free product directly from a link in the page without add to cart and check out process



i know it's a complex lil bit lol but thx anyway

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I am looking for a post that "germ" helped me with. What we did was added html code to the product description with a clickable image for instant download and made the add to cart button a back button. When I find it, Ill post, unless Germ finds your post first and he can direct you. He's a wiz at this stuff.



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Go read this post. Read through it and I believe what you are wanting is what I was. It's the revised code he did on the first posted code. It works great. Also, go to my site and click under free items to see how it looks. I made my own "download" image to fit my shop theme: Visit My Website.




Good luck!



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thx alot redneckchick621

good idea but how to change "add to cart" link to "back" link in product page, index, product review and new products??

and how to change $00 to free as u do


please if you can post to me the full edited php code for doing this for the following pages








thanks alot

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