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Step-by-step Ordering Module?


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First let me say thanks for reading my post - I know how tiring n00bs can be and I wont claim to not-be one. ^_^


Anyway, I have a request/question - I've done a search through the forum and a search through Google with no luck. I think it's less an issue of me not-knowing how to search and more of me not-knowing what to search for.


My employer has an online osCommerce store. The store sells food and catering services. Just like any other store, it has products, prices, etc. We need a module/upgrade that will allow us to create custom step-by-step ordering processes. The user should still have the option to order items individually but we're looking for a way to automate the process a bit.


To give you an idea of what I mean, the user would go to a special page/link that would present them with specific options which they choose from - a step-by-step ordering process. Step one might ask the user to select from a range of beverages and then after confirming their selection, it would move onto step two which might have them selecting from a set of appetizers, step three would be the main course, etc. I hope I make sense... This would make it easier to set-up an entire service and this way the user has an easier time with the cart.


The issue is that I can't find anything. More because I'm not quite sure what to look for - the keywords/terms that I've searched with are too general and don't yield any valuable results. Stuff like "oscommerce step-by-step ordering", "oscommerce automated ordering", etc. Obviously these aren't very good search terms but I can't really think of anything more specific.


Does anyone know of any existing modules/plugins or perhaps a suggestion on better search terms? Is there a name for what we're trying to do? Any help at all would be appreciated. :)



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Take a look at Custom Computer Creator. It's designed for computers, but it doesn't take much tweaking to use it for any assembly of parts. Or meal courses.





I still need to actually look over the code and see if I can work with it, but from the looks of it and what you said this is exactly what we/I need. Thank you so much! :D I'll let you know how it works out. ^_^



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