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The e-commerce.

which images do i replace to get rid of the ones oscommerce use!


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which images do i replace to get rid of the ones oscommerce use in the top right of the page like contact_us there is a little yellow envelope i would like to replace that so which image do i change!


i know its a silly question but ive only just started using oscommerce.




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hi go and have a look here http://addons.oscommerce.com/


ummm...I can't seem to get rid of the osCommerce logo when you view your store after clicking "Online Catalog". The other thing is that when I see people saying, "just go to this file in the file manager," I can't do that. I go to the includes folder in the File Manager and it doesn't take me INSIDE the folder. So its like there's nothing in the folder so there's no way for me to go deeper in osCommerce to customize it. I'm really frustrated with it and ready to can it, so can somebody help me?

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