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The e-commerce.

Help on installing and checking out osCommerce in Window2000


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Hello All,


I downloaded the Windows versioin of osCommerce. My intention is to do my e-commerce development in Windows before uploading to my providers Linux server. I couldn't view the files in IE because they have PHP extensions instead of HTML.


Can you please advise on how I run the application in Window?


I appreciate your help.





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You will need:


Web Server

mySQL Database Server.

PHP 4.***


I would suggest Apache and not IIS for the web server. These programs are all available for free.


Also, there isn't a window or linux version of OSC just two different compresion formats. tar.gz for linux and zip for windows. They do this for convenece.


Personaly, I wouldn't set your test bed up on Windows. I would set up a network with a Linux box and do the testing there. Again all available for free, well, except the hardware.



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nothing wrong with developing your OSC install on windows. many people, including myself do.


but what toolcrazy said.


you'll need to install PHP v4.xxx ( free from http://www.php.net )

mysql server (again free from http://www.mysql.com )

and a webserver


if you don't have a webserver installed, then I'd use apache as it is free... if you have an IIS server running, you can use that to develop you site (I develop on IIS), but I wouldn't reccomend running a live shop on IIS... OSC is a little tricky to get going on IIS also.


Also, on IIS I have to run the CGI version of PHP or else I have restart the server every 5 minutes because PHP hangs and causes fatal errors if I try to run the ISAPI layer. Many advise against running the CGI version of PHP but it seems to work ok for development.

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you need to set up your machine, so that when it comes to a .php file

it will open it !


have a ook at a oscommerce shop.

see that .php visible in the address bar ?

Your browser is viewing the html output of that .php file from the server.


You need to setup your machine to 'interpret or translate' php files.


GO to firepages.com.au


home > downloads.


They have the downloads u need in one single download.

Good place for all apache /mysql /php beginners


Read all the instructions there (it really helps) , take a couple of days to absorb it. I learnt quite a bit from there ! :-)[/b]

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I run Windows 2000 also, and have run IIS in the past.


After converting to Apache... I haven't looked back!

It's much faster, stable & easier to configure (text files... rather than GUI)

Not to mention that it provides simulatainous unlimited websites rather than the Windows 2000 *bs* single website (localhost).

There are thread on configuring this (Thanks Jan!) though PM me if you get stuck and I'll help where I can.


Anyway... my $0.02 worth is that Apache is the definatly the go!


I'm sslloowwllyy converting to Linux, and will be making up a Linux box and running that network example as above when time permits.




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