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Is there any contributions or add ons that allow me to do all the products at once!


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Is there any contributions or add ons that allow me to do all the products attributes at once instead of adding attributes to every single individual product!


I want all my products to display a certain attribute but it will take for ever for me to show that attribute on every single one, i want to be able to list it on every product but need some thing that will let me list it in mass instead of one by one!




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See the Easy Populate, Attribute Sets Plus, Attributes Manager and Attributes Sorter/Copier contributions. Any of those would do what you want, but in different ways.



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there is also something called ATTRIBUTE CLONE TOOL which (in theory) is supposed to let you choose and entire category to add the same attribute to.. So if you have 50 products in one categiry that all have the SAME arttribute, you just choose that category and the matching attribute, and then you have all 50 products with that attribute.. HOWEVER, i have not yet tried this contribution, but i want to. IF you do install it, would you mind posting how it works..

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there is also something called ATTRIBUTE CLONE TOOL which (in theory) is supposed to let you choose and entire category to add the same attribute to.. So if you have 50 products in one categiry that all have the SAME arttribute, you just choose that category and the matching attribute, and then you have all 50 products with that attribute.. HOWEVER, i have not yet tried this contribution, but i want to. IF you do install it, would you mind posting how it works..

cheers will do, il let ya know asap!


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