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The e-commerce.

Please be patient during this procedure


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I am having some basic problems that I hope somebody can help with. I have downloaded OS Commerce (v 2.2) and FTP'd it to my domain. I have generated an SQL database (v 5.0.22) and run the installer. The first page says that everything is good with the install and I get all green ticks:


PHP Version 5.2.6


PHP Settings

register_globals Off

magic_quotes Off

file_uploads On

session.auto_start Off

session.use_trans_sid Off


PHP Extensions






I click continue, fill in the details on the second page with those generated by my provider's control panel. The message says that it has tested database connection and then...


"The database structure is now being imported. Please be patient during this procedure."


This is where the problem starts. This message with the cog gif remain in place forever....



I have tried various things to fix this problem:


Ask my hosting company if their servers/service is compatible - YES IT IS


Redownloaded and recopied all files to my web space


Deleted and recreated the database several times


Set all file permissions to 777


I have checked the database using phpadmin and the database is there and it is full of OS Commerce data!


I have tried to skip to the second part of the install install.php?step=2 and get an error.


Nothing appears to help me get past this first stage so I have searched and now joined this forum.


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Many thanks.



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I am having the same problem... there are 47 tables in my database all from the oscommerce but it just keeps hanging, any help would be appreciated as I have tried as above like Paul and nothing.



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