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The e-commerce.

How to enable register_globals


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Hi everyone

I have downloaded a nice template of oscommerce. I was trying to chage the template without re installing the system by using the following link:




However, it dosn't work. Therefore, I have decided to install it again. After uploading the file to my FTP account I tried to install the system but I got a register_globals error. I was trying fix it using the following link




I add the php.ini file to the main folder and the installtion worked good.However, after installing the system I cann't enter the store/the catalog or the administration.


Can someone help me with the new installation? Where exactly am I suppose to add the php.ini file? in which folders the php.ini file should be?


Thank you

Mordi Domi

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add this to the store htaccess file

php_flag register_globals on





Can you be more detailed about where am I exactly suppose to add it in the htaccess (i.e. at the end/begining)? Should I copy and paste it or should I edit it i.e. register_globals=on

Can it effect the site security?


Thank you

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