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HTML Based Top Header/Navigation Bar + Dropdown Menu?


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Hey, I'm trying to build a custom graphical navigation bar for the top portion of my OSC site... how would this best be implemented? Can I just remove some of the excess code which adds headers/banners/buttons to the top of the page and just put in the html code? Is something like STS needed at all?


Once I've implemented the navigation bar, how would I make it so that upon hovering over each button, a drop down menu would appear to show off subcategories for further product classifcations.


The Newegg.com navigation bar shows exactly how I want this to work.





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Hey, I'm trying to build a custom graphical navigation bar for the top portion of my OSC site... how would this best be implemented? Can I just remove some of the excess code which adds headers/banners/buttons to the top of the page and just put in the html code? Is something like STS needed at all?


Once I've implemented the navigation bar, how would I make it so that upon hovering over each button, a drop down menu would appear to show off subcategories for further product classifcations.


The Newegg.com navigation bar shows exactly how I want this to work.







STS "would" make this a lot easier but it is not "needed". It all depends upon your skillset of course.


Take a look at the Dynamenu, CSS Menu or even the Categories Menu as an Unordered List contributions. These contributions will assist you in creating the horizontal fly-out type of navigation that you are looking for.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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