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Server Side Includes SSI & PHP


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Hi Guys,

I'm having problems getting my OSC shop to call another HTML file used as a banner (sitebanner.htm & sitenavigation.htm)


The site is www.cunningstunts.com/shop and I'm trying to call www.cunningstunts.com/sitebanner.htm and www.cunningstunts.com/sitenavigation.htm using the code

<?php include("../sitebanner.htm"); ?>


This works but presents 3 problems:

1. I get the error

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/cunnings/www/www/sitebanner.htm:16) in /home/cunnings/www/www/shop/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 102

When I researched this error, most people say it's probably because there is a space or line break somewhere but I can't see any.


2. Images don't load. They are in the same folder as the htm file and load normally except if called from within the OSC shop which is in a different folder.


3. I am unable to call the file www.cunningstunts.com/sitenavigation.htm at all, I'm assuming because the contents of this file is a script.


Any ideas, thought, helps, input, tips, etc would be hugely appreciated.




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