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How to add "Quantity" column in Product listing page


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When customers click the category in the left hand side, a list of the products in that category will be shown. I want to add a new column called "Quantity" in that table so the customers can enter the quantity they want to buy and then click "Buy Now". Is there any contribution for this functionality? Thanks in advance!!!

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When customers click the category in the left hand side, a list of the products in that category will be shown. I want to add a new column called "Quantity" in that table so the customers can enter the quantity they want to buy and then click "Buy Now". Is there any contribution for this functionality? Thanks in advance!!!

Can anyone help please?

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I make UP, because i have the same problem.

Can you help us?






nb: Sorry for my english, i am french




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I have a lot of problems installing contributions so I try find a "work around" whenever I can. I know I don't have the best answer for this but it may work for you. I am still exploring an alternate method, as I can't get the numbers of quantity, ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. in right order in the dropdown, but, here goes:


After I enter a product descrip and image into the catalog, I go to Products Attributes and find the item. I then did a Quantity box up top in the options and did one for each number, 1-3. I then go to the bottom where my product is and enter it three times, each time with a different quantity and number. My problem is, I sometimes get 2, 3, 1 in the dropdown, then next time it may be right, 1, 2, 3. I don't know why.


My shop is mostly digital downloads at this time, however, I have a tangible item and will add more in the next couple of weeks, so getting this right is important for me too. So far, I have had NO answers to my posts asking the proper way to do this here in the forum. I've read and read here in the forum too, but all to no avail. If you find a better way, please post it, as I would like to try.



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I have a lot of problems installing contributions so I try find a "work around" whenever I can. I know I don't have the best answer for this but it may work for you. I am still exploring an alternate method, as I can't get the numbers of quantity, ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. in right order in the dropdown, but, here goes:


After I enter a product descrip and image into the catalog, I go to Products Attributes and find the item. I then did a Quantity box up top in the options and did one for each number, 1-3. I then go to the bottom where my product is and enter it three times, each time with a different quantity and number. My problem is, I sometimes get 2, 3, 1 in the dropdown, then next time it may be right, 1, 2, 3. I don't know why.


My shop is mostly digital downloads at this time, however, I have a tangible item and will add more in the next couple of weeks, so getting this right is important for me too. So far, I have had NO answers to my posts asking the proper way to do this here in the forum. I've read and read here in the forum too, but all to no avail. If you find a better way, please post it, as I would like to try.



Is there any contributions available?

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I found this one:




I downloaded it the other night, but haven't had time to install yet. If you decide to use it and it works for you, post it here, I may wait to see how it goes with you, since Im not good at installing contribs.


Good luck,


This contribution seems to be working to me but I don't want to have this quantity box in the product_info.php. I want this in the product listing page. Do you know if there is another contribution that fits my need? Thanks!

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I think you dont need a contrib for that !


Go to your site on the admin side under configuration there is product listing and you can add product quantity column


(if it doesnt show up play around with the sort orders )


PS this will show the actual quantity you have in the store you can use a contribution to show an image for availability

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I think you dont need a contrib for that !


Go to your site on the admin side under configuration there is product listing and you can add product quantity column


(if it doesnt show up play around with the sort orders )


PS this will show the actual quantity you have in the store you can use a contribution to show an image for availability

No, I don't want the customers to see the quantity that we have. I want to let the customers to change the quantity they want to add to cart. Now, when they click "Buy Now", only 1 will be added to the cart. But some customers might want to buy more than 1 so I want them to have ability to change the quantity before they click "Buy Now".

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