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Space on the Right Side of Product Image


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How does one remove the small space on the right of the product image.




When you enter a category, and select a product, you will see in the default osc that the page is laid out as:

to the far left is product title and model

to the far right is product price


in the middle center is

to the left is the product writeup

to the right is the image


To the right of that image is about 5 or 10 pixels of space.

Which file should I alter to remove that space.


I want the image to be at the end of the right side of the page.

Look Here to see what I mean

man of a reformed faith.

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Another way to fix it.


In the stylsheet:


Old code:


.booktitle		{font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size : 16px; color: #002244; font-weight: normal; background-image:url(http://ch-books.com/bookstore/images/bkgr.png)}

New code:


.booktitle		{font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size : 16px; color: #002244; font-weight: normal; background-image:url(images/bkgr.png);width: 90%;}

At least it worked in the Web Developeer plugin in Firefox.


Your mileage may vary...



I added the width and corrected the absolute HTTP URL (not a good idea in a stylesheet).


Sometimes after changing the stylesheet you have to hold the <Ctrl> key down while doing a page refresh in the browser to force the browser to reload all contents from the server, including the newly changed stylesheet.


This works with IE and Firefox.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Another way to fix it.


In the stylsheet:


Old code:


.booktitle		{font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size : 16px; color: #002244; font-weight: normal; background-image:url(http://ch-books.com/bookstore/images/bkgr.png)}

New code:


.booktitle		{font-family : Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size : 16px; color: #002244; font-weight: normal; background-image:url(images/bkgr.png);width: 90%;}

At least it worked in the Web Developeer plugin in Firefox.


Your mileage may vary...



I added the width and corrected the absolute HTTP URL (not a good idea in a stylesheet).


Sometimes after changing the stylesheet you have to hold the <Ctrl> key down while doing a page refresh in the browser to force the browser to reload all contents from the server, including the newly changed stylesheet.


This works with IE and Firefox.


Germ, your answers are always the best, clearest, to the point and pretty quick. Thanks so much.

I wanted to correct that http absolute thing, I agree.

The 90% thing is a very logical approach and should work, thanks again.

man of a reformed faith.

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