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PayPal IPN Invalid Process, no $_POST


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I keep receiving for two month an annoying email from paypal.

This email comes almost every day, even with no transaction taking place.


the email description is:


subject: PayPal IPN Invalid Process










The orders are being processed correctly, but I keeep receiving this email.


I am using oscommerce v2.2 RC1 and contribution V. of paypal_ipn from AlexStudio.

My store is being hosted with GoDaddy.


Does anyone have ANY idea of what is causing these emails? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


thanks in advance,


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IN Your Paypal IPN configuration You have set debug to on.


Your IPN code when receives any paypal IPN notification assumes it as a but and generates this email.



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  • 2 weeks later...
IN Your Paypal IPN configuration You have set debug to on.


Your IPN code when receives any paypal IPN notification assumes it as a but and generates this email.




Thanks for your answer, Satish

I can't find where to set the debug flag to ON, is it in my Paypal account? or in the ipn module in my website?




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