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The e-commerce.

Is OSC suitable for only catalog purposes?


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Hi all,


I have been wondering for quite long time what open source application would be most suitable for my needs. So far I have some experience only with Oscommerce. As you can guess, that's pretty much the only application I could apply to my idea.

What I need is more catalog rather than shopping cart. I don't want to display prices. Instead of "add to shopping basket" I need to have "ask for price" button. That pretty much simplifies the whole project. Although I want to leave the option for turning the catalog to a real shopping cart later on. I have also noticed that OSC application is a lot more Google friendly than just regular html structure (which would do the job). I also will include into the catalog links to other stores considered as "items" (picture of the item would be their store logos).


Do you think that OSC would be a good bet? I am not a programmer or designer, but I know a little bit of all :)) as most of us here.

In the same time I realize that my knowledge base is pretty poor and probably some of you would guide me to a better suggestion.


Thanks for your input.





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