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Screen shots in documentation


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After hunting through this forum's various catagories for several days, I can't seem to find any clues as to why osC v2.2RC2a does not have the needed administration links.


e.g. 1) The documentation shows the links under Localization for Currencies, Languages, Order Status, AND Weight Classes.

But my fresh install of 2.2RC2a only has Currencies, Languages, Order Status. :( So, How do I manage Weight Classes?


This is one of many differences in the set of Admin tools shown in osC v2.2RC2a and the documentation.


e.g. 2) The docs show the New Product screens as a set of Tabbed dialog boxes titled General, Data, Images, Attributes & Categories.

But v2.2RC2a shows a single web page to scroll down and enter (only a portion) of the product information.


What am I missing?



Seriously, I'm not asking for a free one on one extended course on osCommerce. (I am not a "Help Vampire".) I just need links to some clues, that would help me "get out of the weeds!"

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After hunting through this forum's various catagories for several days, I can't seem to find any clues as to why osC v2.2RC2a does not have the needed administration links.


e.g. 1) The documentation shows the links under Localization for Currencies, Languages, Order Status, AND Weight Classes.

But my fresh install of 2.2RC2a only has Currencies, Languages, Order Status. :( So, How do I manage Weight Classes?

That is because the documentation is for the alpha of version 3. The documentation for version 2.2 was removed (don't blame me).

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Oh, thanks Jan for the quick reply & important info. That explains the hugh discrepency!


btw, I looked over the Roadmap and I'm considering jumping onto the v3.x path. But after reading the warnings in regards to using it for a production store I've been (so far) scared off of v3.0Ax.


Do you know if v3.0 Alpha releases are in production store use?


Is anyone willing to express an opinion of v3 being safe for production use?


Thanks again,



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Do you know if v3.0 Alpha releases are in production store use?


Is anyone willing to express an opinion of v3 being safe for production use?

I don't know of any and I would be much surprised if there were any. There are no payment modules, no shipping modules like UPSP, UPS, FedEx or whatever for version 3 which makes it usefulness very limited anyway.


Because of possible bugs and the likely changes it will undergo likely it would be very unwise to use it for production.

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