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Changing MySql


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I recently got a new hard drive after my last one got fried.


I had been working on some new features on my site offline using XAMMP.


But I only have the contents of HTCDOCS backed up, which is basically.



So one I had my new hard drive installed, I downloaded XAMMP and OSCOMMERCE, I installed OSCOMMERCE in the HTCDOCS folder tied to a MySql database called test.


I then replaced the contents of the HTCDOCS folder with what I had backed up.


However when I try to go on http://localhost I get this error:


1046 - No database selected


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




I figured that i would have to go into phpMyadmin and then connect the backed up information with the a MySql databse, however, I can't seem to find how to do it.


Does anyone have an idea how to do this? or have I made an error before this? Is there a file in OSCOMMERCE i will have to change so it is connected to a database?


thanks for your help

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Try setting the configuration parameters in




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