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Question about Meta Tags - Header Tags


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I have a Meta_Tags.php --- but what I would like to ask you is that can Header Tags work if I already have Meta Tags installed... I don't really want to delete meta tags... I just want to head Header Tags.


Anyone's input is welcomed.

Yeah Yeah I am learning as I go... lol

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Your mixing phases that have different meanings so it is difficult to know what you are asking, at least for me. Meta Tags and Header Tags are names of contributions. They both add the ability to handle meta tags to your shop. So switching from one of the contributions to the other won't cause a loss of the tags. However, since the format is different in the contribution, you would lose the actual data in the meta tags. Since the two contributions perform the same job, at least as far as meta tags are concerned, only one can be, fully, used at a time.



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so then I would need to uninstall meta tags to use header tags? I am leaning to the header tags because from what I have been reading this contrib is more effective than the meta tag contrib with position ranking.


So, before I install it I just want to clear that in order to use it I need to ditch meta tags. One other question - will header tags automatically create meta tags? Or would i have to go through 880 products and do it manually... eekkk

Yeah Yeah I am learning as I go... lol

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To make use of what Header Tags offers, yes, you would need to remove the Meta Tags contribution. Header Tags allows setting up the meta tags at once from admin. If there is doubt about whether you would switch back or not, just leave the Meta Tags database changes in place. It uses different ones than Header Tags. If you decide to switch back to it, you just need to make the files changes.



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Thanks Jack - I have to say you impress me. You are always on the board and you seem to help a good bit of people out here.


Now one other thing... From what I have been reading Meta Tags are about useless... which is why I am leaning to this Header Tag SEO contrib which appears to be your contrib.


Be honest... it's better than meta tag contrib isn't it... lol...

Yeah Yeah I am learning as I go... lol

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LOL. Well, if you are going to back me into a corner... :) Meta tags (the actual ones, not the contribution) aren't dead but they are not as important as they once were. The title, which isn't a meta tag but gets included in such contributions, is important and since that is not easily controlled in a stock oscommerce shop, a meta tag contribution is needed for it. The meta description tag is also still used quite a bit by MSN and Yahoo, and even google at times. And the meta keyword tag is also used by all three, although it is rare for google to do so. So having any meta tags contribution installed will help your shop to some degree. What Header Tags does is goes beyond that to add a little extra SEO.



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