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The e-commerce.

installation problem-only main page and admin works


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I am in a trouble with installing oscommerce-2.2rc2a.

Everything went ok,but if I cick anything on main page of shopping cart,the error page of my host is displayed.


admin functions are working well


pls help!



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  • 3 weeks later...
fuck you!

Now that's real intelligent...



Instead of gettinng pi$$ed off, why not do something contructive (like give your site URL)?



As it is no one can answer because without looking at your page it could be a bazillion things...



Be aware that Google crawls this site 24/7/365 so if you don't want links to your site that you post here to show up in Google (and other search engines) post your URL something like this:








If you post your URL, I'll take a peek.


That doesn't necessarily mean I can diagnose/fix the problem, but I will look.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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