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Customer login: “password forgotten? Click here” email is that is returned is blank, has no NEW password?


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I am looking for a thread where I can find the answer to my problem.

Can anyone send me a link to it?


Here is code as per in "password_forgotten.ph


<?php/* $Id: password_forgotten.php,v 1.8 2003/06/09 22:46:46 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright © 2003 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License*/define('NAVBAR_TITLE_1', 'Login');define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'Password Forgotten');define('HEADING_TITLE', 'I\'ve Forgotten My Password!');define('TEXT_MAIN', 'If you\'ve forgotten your password, enter your e-mail address below and we\'ll send you an e-mail message containing your new password.');define('TEXT_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS_FOUND', 'Error: The E-Mail Address was not found in our records, please try again.');define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_SUBJECT', STORE_NAME . ' - New Password');define('EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY', 'A new password was requested from ' . $REMOTE_ADDR . '.' . "\n\n" . 'Your new password to \'' . STORE_NAME . '\' is:' . "\n\n" . ' %s' . "\n\n");define('SUCCESS_PASSWORD_SENT', 'Success: A new password has been sent to your e-mail address.');?>




I would like to do this myself. I can usually do the "fix" if I can get to a thread with the info.

I am not a coder or a programmer; I have my 8 url’s linked to my oscommerce catalog after a

lot of work and help from the community. My business is growing each year, except this year.



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