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PLease Help!


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I have a code (written by someone else, namely BIGZELF) that will update the price on my product info page by pressing a plus or minus button. The problem that is killing me right now is that it does not take into account the specials. When a product is on special it will not display or calculate correcly. This has been a very popular script and is an extremly cool freebie from BIGZELF, so no complaints but I really need a fix or I can not use it. Thank you all so much for helping.


Here is the JS code I am useing:

// JavaScript Document
// calculate price based on quantity
function changeQty(change){
   var currentQty = parseInt($F('quant')) // Where quant is the id of your quantity input field. Gets value of currentQty field

   switch (change) {
       case 'add':
           currentQty += 1
           $('quant').value = currentQty
       case 'subtract':
           if (currentQty > 0) { // only subtract if qty is greater than zero
               currentQty -= 1
               $('quant').value = currentQty
       case 'field':
           if (currentQty >= 0) {
               window.setTimeout('calculate()', 500)
function calculate(){
   var startPrice = $F('base_price') // Where base_price is the id of your hidden base price field. Gets value of base_price field
   var currentQty = parseInt($F('quant')) // Where quant is the id of your quantity input field. Gets value of currentQty field

   if (currentQty > 0) { // Don't want price to display if zero if customer zeros out quantity
       var qtyPrice = startPrice * currentQty // Calculate the price.
       var qtyPrice = qtyPrice.toFixed(2) // Only allow 2 decimals. I'll let you add rounding features up or down.
   } else { // set price back to original price
       qtyPrice = startPrice
   var qtyPrice = '$' + qtyPrice // Add a dollar sign
   $('priceHeading2').update(qtyPrice) // Where priceHeading2 is the id of your span for the echoed product price
   new Effect.Highlight($('priceHeading2'))



Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have allready given all of this package to the community as an addon to help others and I will update the package as soon as I get a fix figured out. I will aslo make sure the correct people get the credit.


The package I uploaded earlier is at:



Please help, this is the last fix I need...

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i've made an update.

the 3rd version should do all things correct !!

(normal price, special price (+with the old price))


if anybody won't at special prices, that the old price should not be shown, make the <span> (for the old price) "invisible"

or write the script better ;-)

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i've made an update.

the 3rd version should do all things correct !!

(normal price, special price (+with the old price))


if anybody won't at special prices, that the old price should not be shown, make the <span> (for the old price) "invisible"

or write the script better ;-)


M5E.at, I'm trying to install, but i have some errors on page.

I found 1 error in code.... 'icons/plus.gif' shoud be 'icons/plus.PNG'.

but even when i change the name, my page doesnt update the quantity.



Sorry for my english, i'm from Brazil.

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