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Manufacturer popup window contribution


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I just submitted my first contribution. I modified my site to include a link on product info pages that will open a popup window containing an infobox (ok, a modified manufacturer_info.php box) that displays all the manufacturer info collected in the admin panel. This contribution also modifies the admin's manufacturers panel to provide a text field for additional information about the manufacturer.


If you want to see it in action, you can look at my test site: http://www.virtuallyunique.com/test/catalo...log/default.php Click on either of the two test products. The popup window link is at the bottom of the product_info page.


The contribution is located at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,914


My caveat? I'm not a programmer, but this works for me. It is probably messy. Please let me know if there are any ways that it can be improved. Or, feel free to modify and submit the contribution yourself. But, I'd appreciate any feedback y'all might have.




Jason :thumbsup:

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Well, already found two bugs. One in the read_me that instructs the user to create a new field in the manufacturers table of type varchar. But, that field type is limited to 255 characters. So, I changed the read_me to instruct the user to create a new field of type text.


Also, a osCommerce user pointed out that the contribution creates small, one line text_field on the new manufacturer page in the admin, but a large multi-line textarea_field in the edit manufacturer page. So, I fixed that to make both large.


Any more suggestions would be welcomed.



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Hi Salvo:


Well, I'm not entirely sure. This may seem kind of stupid, but is php the same for all languages? If it is, then all you would need to do is change the text in the catalog/includes/languages/english/product_info.php and admin/includes/languages/english/manufacturers.php files. Then stick them in whatever corresponding language directory that you need. The only other language that I speak is French, and I don't know if there is a French language version.


So, now that I think about it, it shouldn't be too hard. There are two language files (product_info.php and manufacturers.php) that would need translating.


However, it just occurred to me that I don't really know how that would work with the database, since there is text required there, as well. But, I think it could be over come with the addition of another table field, perhaps with a similar name, but identified by language (in French it might be fabricants_texte). Then, the popup file would require an if statement to test for language, and provide the appropriate call to get the correct text to display in the popup.


So, shouldn't be too hard. But it would require some trial and error, I'm sure. A real programmer could probably look at the code and dictate a change, but I have to experiment to get my changes to work.


Good luck. BTW, did you get the thing to work?



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  • 1 year later...

Hello, I made the same question on another topic, but here it goes...


I am building up a book store. I found the manufacturers pop up great, because I am just using the manufacturers as authors.


But what I really wanted was for the manufacturer/author information to show with the image when one clicks "other products", then one would see the author picture, a text about the author and bellow it the "other products/titles" for that author.


How do I do that? :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...
..too much php makes the brain mushy I guess.


You're so right about that!


I've been looking at the code on the screen for so long now, i'm starting to see it in my sleep. Crazy!



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  • 9 months later...



I have installed the "manufacturer popup window" contribution easily (contribution 914). Many thanks to the contributors.

However, it seems that it is not fitted for multilingual sites. The text uploaded in the admin should be uploaded in every language chosen by the webmaster.


Is there anyone who can help ?

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I have installed the "manufacturer popup window" contribution easily (contribution 914). Many thanks to the contributors.

However, it seems that it is not fitted for multilingual sites. The text uploaded in the admin should be uploaded in every language chosen by the webmaster.


Is there anyone who can help ?


Anyone who can help or have any idea of how to provide multilingual text informations about manufacturers ( In my case, manufacturers are only artists anf it's important to have their resume).



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Anyone who can help or have any idea of how to provide multilingual text informations about manufacturers ( In my case, manufacturers are only artists anf it's important to have their resume).




It seems that this issue is not very popular. Does anyone have any idea on how to provide multilingual informations about manufacturers ( mostly artists in my case).


This is my third attempt to get an answer, I'll keep trying again :D


Thanks again

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  • 2 years later...

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