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Upgrading from osCommerce 2.2 to the latest version


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A friend of mine is running a really old version of osCommerce

application_top.php shows that it is version 2.2 (just 2.2 without any extra characters)

the file id is:

application_top.php,v 1.272 2003/03/31 17:25:36 hpdl Exp


Is there an upgrade path from this version to the latest RC? this is a vanilla installation without any mods.


Thanks in advance.

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Download rc2a and there is an upgrade path in there.


If it is really vanilla why not just install the latest version?

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A friend of mine is running a really old version of osCommerce

application_top.php shows that it is version 2.2 (just 2.2 without any extra characters)

the file id is:

application_top.php,v 1.272 2003/03/31 17:25:36 hpdl Exp


Is there an upgrade path from this version to the latest RC? this is a vanilla installation without any mods.


Thanks in advance.

That could be a pre-MS2 version, in which case upgrading it would be a mistake since not files are compatible, See the link in my signature to determine how to tell what version it is. But Geoffrey is right, there shouldn't be a reason to upgrade it in the first place.



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Thanks guys.

As I said - only 2.2... how can I know if it is an MS1, MS2, etc...???

// define the project version

define('PROJECT_VERSION', '2.2');


application_top.php dates to July 1st 2003.


As for the upgrade - I am not sure I understand, what do you mean by just installing? the store is active and has many products and customers, I would like to help her retain that information with the latest version, I guess I can't just use the old database - what exactly should I do in order to import the old data to the new store?


Thanks again.

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I installed the latest version and overwritten the new database with the old database as per the instructions.

I then searched for the upgrade files that should reside under /extras (at least according to the documentation) - there are no upgrade files in there...

How can I upgrade the database structure to be compatible with the latest version?


Thanks again.

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A few last questions:

1. In my case I should start from the earliest instructions (update-20060817.txt), right? Does it matter that I probably have one of the CVS versions? did the database structure change between MS1 to MS2? - I just want to make sure that I am not missing any database modification...

2. If I understand correctly - I should just run the sql update commands (3 from update-20060817.txt, 2 from upgrade-22rc1.html and 22 from upgrade.html) and I am done, right?


Thank you for your help!

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The upgrade instructions assume an MS2 shop. If you have a CVS one, they may not work. There was a database change between MS1 and MS2. I don't recall which CVS used though.



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Thank you.

Is there a way determine which one the CSV used? where should I look for these differences? Can I get an installation of MS1, MS2 and 2 CSV versions? (I can probably look for the differences myself in case and they are undocumented).

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Those packages are no longer available here, at least not that I know of. You may be able to find them on sourceforge.net though.



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I managed to download MS1 and MS2.

I definitely have the CVS version (csv is something else, ooops ;))

I found the following files under MS2/extras:

address_book.php admin_customers.php images.php ms1_to_ms2.php order_comments.php products_ordered.php


In them, I found the following alter statments:

alter table address_book change address_book_id address_book_id int not null auto_increment

alter table address_book add temp_id int(11) not NULL default '0' FIRST


ALTER TABLE address_book DROP COLUMN address_book_id

ALTER TABLE address_book ADD PRIMARY KEY (temp_id)

ALTER TABLE address_book CHANGE COLUMN temp_id address_book_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment

ALTER TABLE address_book ADD INDEX idx_address_book_customers_id (customers_id)

ALTER TABLE customers CHANGE COLUMN customers_default_address_id customers_default_address_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0'

ALTER TABLE orders_status_history DROP old_value

ALTER TABLE orders_status_history ADD comments TEXT

ALTER TABLE orders_status_history CHANGE new_value orders_status_id INT(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL

alter table orders drop comments

alter table products add products_ordered int default '0' not null



Would it be safe to assume that once I make these changes/make sure they are already there - I'll have an MS2 database or am I missing something?




EDIT: I now see that it's not really working that way, there are actual modifications there... I'll give it another look...

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Having the same issues with my client. Decided to fresh install after so many hacks were bogging down the shipping modules, and now I can't see where - at all - to upgrade/import the database that I saved. Any luck?

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