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up 5 pages?


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Hi im trying to get my website up a few pages managed to boost it up 11 pages over last few months keyword im trying to use is AIRSOFT and some websites above me dont seem to be optermised much?


Any one got any more ideas? or any thing ive missed my website is www.socomtactical.net




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any one?


I think your page names are too long and not dynamic enough.


"Uk airsoft shop with internet retail, Selling AEGS, bb's tactical clothing and equipment, guns magazines and torches Socom Tactical" is displayed on every page. I don't think this is a good idea.


I'm no expert, but I think the name above is way too wordy as well. I think something like this is better for the index page:


Uk Airsoft - Socom Tactical : AEGS, BB's, Guns, Magazines, Torches


I have read that search engines like a Title of 1 - 3 words followed by a : or a | and a very small description like this:


"Title Page : This store sells stuff"




I also think it is very important to have the item you're selling to be the first thing listed. You need to change your Header Tags sort order. To display in this order:


Product Name : Category Name : Page Name : Store Name



Take a look at one of our stores: http://www.toyotarav4floormats.com/


The domain is keyword rich and tells the customer and search engines exactly what the store sells. The page names are also ordered to be that way as well. Browse around the categories and products. The search bots tend to like our stores. I just checked who's online and see we have 50 spiders browsing around right now.

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hi thanks changed title i did have a thign for my each product where it listed above but then i did some thing and it turned off i dont know how to get it back as before it said catorgary and product name in the title


any ideas?

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