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what is wrong with this code...


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I am getting the following error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_BOOLEAN_AND, expecting ',' or ')' in


Her is the code I am trying to use, written by Jack_mcs:


$img = (isset($cPath && $cPath == 3) ? 'some_image.jpg' : '';


Where 3 is the id of the category you want to check.


Then, to show the image


<img src="<?php echo $img; ?>" alt="some text">


I believe this will work but something is wrong with the syntax i can not figure it out. I am truly 'green' here. Please help. I am trying to get an image to appear on my product info page but only when the user is in a specific category. Thank you so much for looking

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$img = (isset($cPath) && ($cPath == 3)) ? 'some_image.jpg' : '';

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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$img = (isset($cPath) && ($cPath == 3)) ? 'some_image.jpg' : '';


Thank you so much Jim. That fixed the parse error. But for some reason I still get no image in the spot I called it. That part is working but it only showes an empty box where the image should be. Any Idea what is wrong here? I figure I must be checking the wrong category ID. What is the best way to check the category ID? Thank you again for looking everyone.

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The code below should give you a structure to show images based on cPath.


// The numbers represent the cPath
$images = array('1'	  => 'some_image1.jpg',
			'2'	  => 'some_image2.jpg',
			'3'	  => 'some_image3.jpg',
			'4'	  => 'some_image4.jpg',
			'5'	  => 'some_image5.jpg',
			'3_5_32' => 'some_image_3_5_32.jpg');
if( isset($cPath) && isset($images[$cPath]) ){
 echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $images[$cPath], $alt = '', $width = '', $height = '', $parameters = '') . "\n";

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