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How to start OSC in a different default language?


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Hi all


Now that I have OSC fully functional ;) , I downloaded a language file different from the one which is included in the package namely french. I have deleted the German and Spanish and added the french. It works pretty well but each time I log into the website, it shows the english page(s) although I have set the French language to be default.




Any clues would be highly appreciated.





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Thank you Jack for the reply.


I did set the default language in Localization/language to be french and I also kept the English language.


I can choose to start the admin either in french or english too.


But I want OSC to display the french series of pages not the English one. Is there any routine in a file that I need to change manually so that it takes the FR files instead of the ENG?






You need to set the default language in admin and delete the unwanted language files on the shop side.



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Fairly certain it tries to load the language files for the user's browser if they exist then the default. Get someone in France to load it.


Bet the French Canadians hate this behaviour.



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Thanks mate, I just changed the default language setting of the browser to french and it worked well PMSL.


Oh no I will not venture into your remarks...hehehehe!!!







Fairly certain it tries to load the language files for the user's browser if they exist then the default. Get someone in France to load it.


Bet the French Canadians hate this behaviour.



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