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The e-commerce.

Totally removing admin password


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I have several oscommerce shops and want to put all the admin sections together under a seperate domain.


I will be password protecting the folder where they all reside and don't need the hassle of having to log in to each one individually.


Is there a way I can disable the password protection function attached to the admin section?

My latest osCommerce work in progress


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In the osCommerce-2.2rc2a Admin the requirement to login code is in /admin/includes/application_top.php


// redirect to login page if administrator is not yet logged in
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('admin')) {
$redirect = false;

$current_page = basename($PHP_SELF);

if ($current_page != FILENAME_LOGIN) {
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('redirect_origin')) {

	$redirect_origin = array('page' => $current_page,
							 'get' => $HTTP_GET_VARS);

  $redirect = true;

if ($redirect == true) {


You could try "commenting out" that block of code like this:


/* begin code disregard

// redirect to login page if administrator is not yet logged in
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('admin')) {
$redirect = false;

$current_page = basename($PHP_SELF);

if ($current_page != FILENAME_LOGIN) {
  if (!tep_session_is_registered('redirect_origin')) {

	$redirect_origin = array('page' => $current_page,
							 'get' => $HTTP_GET_VARS);

  $redirect = true;

if ($redirect == true) {


end code disregard */

I really don't know all the ramifications of this, so maybe it's not a good idea. And maybe it won't even work at all.



But it is easy to try.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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