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Changing permissions/securing store


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I was trying to change permissions ref: "/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


How do I set the right user permissions?


Also, once I have my store set up, can I process my orders via paypal, or my merchant account? [Elavon is the merchant. The website is www.merchantconnect.com.]


Thank you,


New guy...

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use your web host file manager

navigate to the file you want to change and then set it to 400 (0400) is best or 444 (0444) or 644 (0644) the 0 bit may be required at the beginning it might not

To set up paypal you need to log into your admin then go to modules / payment >> then the paypal module you wan to use click install then enter your details


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