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Moving Boxes


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Dear Friends,


I want to move the 'Quick Find' box and the 'Information' box that are currently in the left column to the right column to replace the 'Language' and 'Currancy' boxes in the right column


Does anyone know how I do that?


Thank you


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hi, try this.


in catalog/includes/column_left.php

find these 2 lines(may be not close to each other) :


require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'search.php');


require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'information.php');



cut them and move them to


somewhere but not inside anyother if statements.

or right above this :


if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 8) != 'checkout') {

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php');

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'currencies.php');



then delete the above language and currency includes with if statement (or comment out using // all lines)




hope that works.


Happy new year. :)



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Thanks for all your help on this topic and the others I have submitted today. I have come to the conclusion that I have edited something wrong in my osCommerce catalog file. I am able to make all these corrections in the proper php files and they remain saved but I corrections are not showing up in the web pages. Does anyone know what I might do about this? Is there a way to retrieve that catalog file from Jan. 1 when it was still working? I can redo what I did between then and now and hopefully not make the same mistake. Thanks

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sorry to hear that,

but without backup files, once you edited and uploaded, You will not be able to recover what is already overwritten.


my suggestion is just try to solve one by one, step by step.


when editing files, backup is like your God... don't go out without it.


good luck



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sorry to hear that,

but without backup files, once you edited and uploaded, You will not be able to recover what is already overwritten.


my suggestion is just try to solve one by one, step by step.


when editing files, backup is like your God... don't go out without it.


good luck



I think the problem is fixed. I was looking in the catalog/includes when I should have been working in the includes folder. Your right, I do have back ups on my server but I haven't learned yet how to retrieve them. Thanks for all your assistance.


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