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New User Blues


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I hope you'll forgive what must be a totally boneheaded newbee question:


I've downloaded the latest 2.2 version to my PC and unzipped it. I have an account on a web hosting service running Linux with Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc. How the heck do I copy the directories and files to my web host, other than by tediously creating each directory and ftp'ing the files directory-by-directory? It will take forever and I'm sure I will make numerous mistakes.


Note: I tried ftp'ing the tar.gz file to the host and extracting it there, but I got an error that said something about an obsolete header.





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get the manual at



It's "fairly" clear


this is one way to do it:

1.) unzip the files on your machine in a directory named osc.

you will end up with a nested set of directorys.

2.) make a directory and name it www

3.) Now navigate to the SECOUND catalog directory in osc

(/osc/catalog/catalog ) copy this entire dir to www

4.) navigate to osc/admin/admin. copy to


5.) ftp the contents of www to your server.

6.) make sure your db is created and enabled. You will need the name of the data base server, the name of your database and password.

go to http://www.yourhost/catalog/install and follow the instructions

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