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When you see an error where the text is in capital letters, like TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS, it means a definition is missing. But TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS. isn't used or added by this addon so I can't help you with this in this thread. If you can't find the cause, then you should post a new thread in the general forum. You can fix it by adding the definition but if one is missing, there may be others so you should located the cause of the problem.


I can't say what the cause of the error is but you need to be sure you installed the correct code for the version of oscommerce you are using. I don't know that I tried the Boxes section in a BS shop so if that is the version you have, that may be the problem. The code expects to find the language files in a certain location but they may not be there in the BS version.

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Dear @Jack_mcs


Thank you for your help!


Just fixed the first issue adding in the espanol.php located in catalog/includes/languages/:


define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS', 'No hay productos para mostrar en esta categoría en este momento.');


I'm using a Spanish BS version of EDGE by @@raiwa, maybe he can help with the second problem?


Best regards.



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Hello @@valquiria23,


the file "sitemap_seobox_control.php" which produces the error message is not part of the standard OsCommerce package neither my Spanish Edition.

It is part of a Sitemap SEO Add-On which it's supposed you added. You should check the installation instructions of that Add-On. You might have missed to copy the file "sitemap.php" to the Admin Function directory.




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@@valquiria23 The majority of addons only come with English files. When you use a different language, you have to be sure to make any changes to the other language files as required.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have just added this to my latest site and I may have found a small problem with the addon. I am using the version for Bootstrap.


On the actual sitemap page the continue button should be at the bottom of the page as standard, but when I turn off the address block  the button moves to the bottom of the right column where I have information and manufacturers. It is half way up the page. I have checked on a desktop monitor and a mobile device and the fault is the same.


There is also a slight problem of the two columns slightly overlapping on a small device as well. I do have a lot of categories and sub categories that may be the cause. I will have a dig through the code and see what can be done with that.



Edited by 14steve14


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Steve For the continue button problem, find this code in the sitemap.php file

  <div class="buttonSet">
    <div class="text-right"><?php echo tep_draw_button(IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE, 'fa fa-angle-right', tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT)); ?></div>

And add this above it

<div class="clearfix"></div>

For non-BS shops, use

<div style="clear:both"></div> 

For the spacing problem, I checked a few sites but don't see that. But the sites I checked only have one level of categories so if you have a number of sub-categories that may be causing the problem. If you change the alignment settings to have everything in one column, does the problem still exist?

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The spacing problem only happens when there is two columns, but I cant see a way of allowing the second column to go under the first on smaller sized screens. On larger screens the page looks better with two columns side by side.


I will have a dig in the code and see if I can add a bootstrap width to some of the divs and see what happens.


I havent had time to check the other code yet, but I will first thing tomorrow.


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  • 3 months later...



Hi, Jack,


I just installed Sitemap SEO on Oscommerce Bootstrap EDGE.


I found the script cannot create tables of database and insert value to them:






I mannually run the sql script of sitemap_seo_install.php in phpmyadmin.


Also these two steps are not available in index.php and where should I put them in index.php?


10) In index.php,

FIND (around line 88):



           <!-- Begin Sitemap SEO-->
           <script type='text/javascript' src='javascript/sitemap_seo.js'></script>
           require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_SITEMAP_SEO);
           <!-- End Sitemap SEO -->

FIND (aroundline 244):


      <!-- Begin Sitemap SEO-->
      <script type='text/javascript' src='javascript/sitemap_seo.js'></script>
      require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_SITEMAP_SEO);
      include(DIR_WS_MODULES . $mapMod);
      <!-- End Sitemap SEO -->



I was trying to put it after:


  if ($messageStack->size('product_action') > 0) {
    echo $messageStack->output('product_action');

<div class="contentContainer">
  <div class="row">
    <?php echo $oscTemplate->getContent('index_nested'); ?>


Is it correct?


Please advise.


Thanks in advanced.



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If you are using a version of oscommerce that uses a module for the index page then you need to insert it there. The code in the module is the same, or similar, to what is in the instructions so you should be able to figure it out.

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  • 6 months later...

Hey all,

Hope everyone is doing OK !  :)   I am having a problem with this addon.  I seem to have everything installed as I have gone over the install more than  twice in two days.  ALL files edited properly and upload as instructed.  

Every thing in the admin looks good.   I have the google seo site map installed as well.  Here is the problem:

When I click on the site map  in my site info box i get "The morerockets.com page isn’t working" and also   "morerockets.com is currently unable to handle this request"

Like i said i checked every thing multiple times.  Please help me fix this issue.

Thanks a head of time


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@@MoreRockets.com Have you tried using the supplied infobox? If you added the link, please paste the code you added here along with the line before and after it.

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Supplied Info box?  I added this 1) In includes/languages/english/modules/boxes/bm_information.php,

before the last ?>
2) Upload the following to the correct location on the server:
I had to skip step 4 cause no column left as stated in the forum.
This is part of my info box.
'    <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONDITIONS) . '">' . MODULE_BOXES_INFORMATION_BOX_CONDITIONS . '</a><br />' .
              '    <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . MODULE_BOXES_INFORMATION_BOX_CONTACT . '</a><br />' .
              '    <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SITEMAP_SEO) . '">' . MODULE_BOXES_INFORMATION_SITEMAP_SEO . '</a>' .
              '  </div>' .
      $oscTemplate->addBlock($data, $this->group);

I do have install googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.11 and I have google recaptcha installed on contact us page.


As you can tell I don't know much about coding but can follow directions but well.  I have gone over th e instructions many times all seems to be installed as per required except I ran the sql manually from the earlier post.


DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sitemap_seo_pages;
CREATE TABLE sitemap_seo_pages (exclude_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, page_file_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, alternate_page_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', anchor_text VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', excluded_page TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, registered_only TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sort_order TINYINT (3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, language_id int DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( exclude_id )) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sitemap_seo_boxes;
CREATE TABLE sitemap_seo_boxes (box_file_name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', box_page_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', pseudo_page_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', excluded_box TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, registered_box TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, language_id int DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( box_file_name, language_id )) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sitemap_seo_box_links;
CREATE TABLE sitemap_seo_box_links (box_link_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, box_file_name VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', page_link_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', pseudo_page_link_name VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', anchor_text VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', excluded_link TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, registered_link TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sort_order TINYINT (3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, language_id int DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( box_link_id )) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sitemap_seo_settings;
CREATE TABLE sitemap_seo_settings (enable_articles_manager TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, enable_infopages TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, enable_page_manager TINYINT (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, heading_title VARCHAR (40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Site Map', heading_sub_text TEXT NOT NULL, heading_articles_manager VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', heading_categories VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', heading_infopages VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', heading_manufacturers VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', heading_page_manager VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',  heading_standard_boxes VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', heading_standard_pages VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', language_id int DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( language_id )) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;


.  Any thoughts?  Thanks so much in advance

Edited by MoreRockets.com
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It looks like what you did is correct. But there are quite a few more files to upload than what you mentioned. I assume you shortened that instead of posting them all. But if you didn't upload all of the files it could cause such an error.


The error it is getting is a catch-all type of error so it could be caused by many things and is difficult to diagnose without known the actual error. To see that, maybe, edit the includes/application_top.php file and find the line starting with error_reporting - it will be near the top of the file. After that line, add this one


Then load the sitemap on the shop side and see if there are any errors reported. You can ignore any warnings - just look for errors. When you are done, you should leave that line in the file but change the 1 to a 0.

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Warning: require(includes/classes/category_tree_standard_no_products.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/public_html/sitemap.php on line 63

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/classes/category_tree_standard_no_products.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php53/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php53/usr/share/php') in /home/./public_html/sitemap.php on line 63


for obvious reasons I have excluded my user name


Will check for this file and get back to you!

Edited by MoreRockets.com
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The file mentioned in the failure - category_tree_standard_no_products.php' - is required. You have to upload all of the new files. You can't pickand choose. Please try doing that and see if it works.

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The file mentioned in the failure - category_tree_standard_no_products.php' - is required. You have to upload all of the new files. You can't pickand choose. Please try doing that and see if it works.

I have uploaded all the files.  That file "category_tree_standard_no_products.php" is missing from the install files.  In fact I cant find the file in any of the folders.  I will try downloading the entire adon again. again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Jack_mcs, I was installing this on Bootstrap Edge today and when I got to step 10, the instructions seem to fall apart.



10) In index.php,


FIND (around line 88):




The phrase "include(DIR_WS_MODULES" does not appear anywhere in the index.php file. Or am I missing something?





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@@mdtaylorlrim With the many versions of the BS shop, it is no longer possible to provide exact instructions. Eventually, this will be changed to modules and won't need the instructions but until then, you have to play detective.


First, a few versions ago definitions were removed from the shop. So the line


would be

<?php include('includes/modules/new_products.php'); ?>

But that assumes your version of oscommerce isn't one with the index page in modules. If it is, that line would be in one of the modules for the index page.


Once that is done, there still may be problems in the code due to the missing definitions. The best way around that is to install the compatibility addon. If you install this addon first, if it is needed, then the other things may not be a problem, except for the location of the index code.

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