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I just installed the sitemap seo on osc. 2.3.1 and the sitemap seo tab shows up at the bottom of the left column but when I go to admin/configuration the sitemap seo doesn't show up and I put the code


include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'sitemap_seo.php');


in admin/includes/column_left.php so I don't know why it's not showing up


has anyone else had this problem?

If you are not seeing an error then error reporting must be disabled. Try going directly to the page: http://your domain name/admin//sitemap_seo_page_control.php?selected_box=sitemap_seo

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If you are not seeing an error then error reporting must be disabled. Try going directly to the page: http://your domain name/admin//sitemap_seo_page_control.php?selected_box=sitemap_seo



Yea I can access that box through my admin, but I can't access admin/configuration/sitemap seo and I looked at my code and it says it should be there but it's not....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jack,


Having migrated my osc installation to a new host, I came across a number of problems, most of which I seem to have sorted out.


However, I still find that all product and category links are broken. After some searching, I read it may be something to do with the SEO contribution.


What information do I need to provide to get help please?

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Further to my previous post, if I disable SEO url's, the links work, re-enabling it brings back the problem.


Explanation for dummies needed please!





Got this Warning in the boxes Group Control section;


Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /.../.../.../admin/sitemap_seo_box_control.php on line 162


$boxName = explode(".", $activeBox);

for ($i = 0; $i < count($languages); ++$i)


$boxes_query = tep_db_query("select box_page_name, pseudo_page_name, excluded_box from " . TABLE_SITEMAP_SEO_BOXES . " where box_file_name LIKE '" . $boxArray['box_file_name'] . "' and language_id = '" . (int)$languages[$i]['id'] . "'");

$boxes = tep_db_fetch_array($boxes_query);

$name = sprintf("box_page_name_%d", $languages[$i]['id']);

$excludedBox = $boxes['excluded_box'] ? 'checked' : '';


$activeSection = (isset($_POST['boxfiles']) ? 'files' : 'additional');

$boxArray[$name] = tep_not_null($boxes['pseudo_page_name']) ? $boxes['pseudo_page_name'] : (tep_not_null($boxes['box_page_name']) ? $boxes['box_page_name'] :$boxName[0]);


$linkArray = GetBoxLinks($boxArray['box_file_name'], $languages);


Edited by Neilsson
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Hi Jack,


Having migrated my osc installation to a new host, I came across a number of problems, most of which I seem to have sorted out.


However, I still find that all product and category links are broken. After some searching, I read it may be something to do with the SEO contribution.


What information do I need to provide to get help please?

This conhtribution doesn't have anything to do with url's.

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I dropped a bollock and posted in the wrong thread, apologies!


However, I still have the following issue that I need help with;


Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /.../.../.../admin/sitemap_seo_box_control.php on line 162


Boxes Group Control section of Sitemap SEO


Please help.

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Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /.../.../.../admin/sitemap_seo_box_control.php on line 162


Boxes Group Control section of Sitemap SEO


Please help.

In that file at that line, change
 $boxName = explode(".", $activeBox);


 if (! is_array($activeBox))
 $boxName = explode(".", $activeBox);

Edited by Jack_mcs

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And I thought all was well...


I now have the following warning on both sitemap_seo and sitemap_seo_page_control;


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /.../.../.../.../includes/functions/sitemap.php on line 302


and the following warnings on sitemap_seo_box_control;


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /.../.../.../.../includes/functions/sitemap.php on line 18


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /.../.../.../.../includes/functions/sitemap.php on line 185


Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /.../.../.../.../includes/functions/sitemap.php on line 167


Having searched for these warnings, I've tried solutions you provided for others, but without any success. For example;




When I click on Admin > Catalog I also receive this error message:


Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: /images/


Here's my congfig.php from my admin dir;


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.thegamersoutpost.co.uk');

define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.thegamersoutpost.co.uk');

define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.thegamersoutpost.co.uk');

define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'false'); // secure webserver for catalog module

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/*****/*****/public_html/');

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/myadmindirname/');

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/public_html/myadmindirname/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/public_html/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/');

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');


I also have a problem with header tags contribution, which I'll post in the h/t thread

Edited by Neilsson
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And I thought all was well...


I now have the following warning on both sitemap_seo and sitemap_seo_page_control;


I also have a problem with header tags contribution, which I'll post in the h/t thread

I just responded to the one in Header Tags but seeing this post now confirms that something is wrong with your site. Maybe you overwrote the configure file or some other file or maybe you've been hacked. You need to post in the general forum for help since the problems you are seeing are not due to either contribution.

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I just responded to the one in Header Tags but seeing this post now confirms that something is wrong with your site. Maybe you overwrote the configure file or some other file or maybe you've been hacked. You need to post in the general forum for help since the problems you are seeing are not due to either contribution.


Thanks Jack,


I've started a new topic in General Support, maybe you could keep an eye on it so's you can offer some input in any references to your contributions?

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However, while the "related products" link is operating correct I am not sure about the related categories link, and the manufacturers link is always showing no other products for this manufacturer, even though there are.


The related categories link seems to pull up the correct link, but right after follows the entire listing of shop categories, not just the category that would apply.


I have the exact same results on 2.3 shop using 1.8. I'm using the class file included in the contrib.


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I have the exact same results on 2.3 shop using 1.8. I'm using the class file included in the contrib.

The correction for this was posted previously in this thread. I'll try and get an updated version uploaded withiin the next week or so though.

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Thank you Jack, excellent stuff as usual.


Any chance you could add compatibility with Information Pages Unlimited in the next version??? http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1026

Ver. 2.05(bug fix) is what I use on before 2.3 installs.


Lots of us use it, and it would be nice to have all the info links on the sitemap.


Thanks in advance



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Thank you Jack, excellent stuff as usual.


Any chance you could add compatibility with Information Pages Unlimited in the next version??? http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/1026

Ver. 2.05(bug fix) is what I use on before 2.3 installs.


Lots of us use it, and it would be nice to have all the info links on the sitemap.


Thanks in advance


It's already an option. I haven't tested it with the most recent version but as long as they didn't change keynames it should work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new version has been uploaded with the following changes:


- Changed how layout is handled on sitemap.php to allow for better display in some cases.

- Corrected upgrade instructions for 1.7 to 1.8

- Fixed code in modules/sitemap_manufacturers.php that would prevent it from working for all sites.

- Fixed code in modules/sitemap_manufacturers.php so manufacturers are displayed correctly.

- Fixed the show/hide option in sitemap.php.

- Included the missing language file for 2.3 shops

- Replaced category_tree class files with ones from 1.7

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Good evening!

Just downloaded the new version and installed today on 2.3.1 on Windows/IIS platform. Encountered the explode() error in admin, and got Jack's fix from post # 682 above to fix that. But I am now left with the following error whenever I click on a list entry in the "Boxes Group Control" and click update on the admin Box Control page:


Warning: file(D:/home/mysite.com/wwwroot/includes/modules/boxes/Array): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\home\mysite.com\wwwroot\admin\includes\functions\sitemap.php on line 203


Line 203 is in the GetFilesArray() function, so I put a "print($path);" line as the first line in the function and retried got the same error, with my print statement showing the contents of the passed $path parameter being: D:/home/mysite.com/wwwroot/includes/modules/boxes/Array


On my actual site, if I click the sitemap link, the sitemap page displays a listing of links to all my site categories, but nothing else - no produts, no about page, no contatct us page, etc. The related products and related category links however at the bottom of product pages and category pages are working fine.... any ideas as to what I might have wrong?


I read in the install.txt that "This will only work for boxes with hard coded links, like the information box. If you don't use such a box, skip this step." I don't know exactly what is meant by that... I do use the info box, but have added some of my own additonal links/pages such as "about us".... not sure if this statement applies to me or not...


Thanks for any assistance offered!!!


(Also FYI, the 2.3.1 install.txt for the new version needs to have the step added to it to add the


to the bm_information.php file in /includes/languages/english/modules/boxes. The file is included in the package with the definition, but for those of us doing an install to a modified site, we'll miss that the first time around since the step's missing in the install.txt.... no biggie, since as soon as you see the link on your site's info box, you know what you need to do.... but just wanted to point that out.)

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Good evening!

Just downloaded the new version and installed today on 2.3.1 on Windows/IIS platform. Encountered the explode() error in admin, and got Jack's fix from post # 682 above to fix that. But I am now left with the following error whenever I click on a list entry in the "Boxes Group Control" and click update on the admin Box Control page:


Thanks for mentioning this. It was obviously overlooked.


Warning: file(D:/home/mysite.com/wwwroot/includes/modules/boxes/Array): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\home\mysite.com\wwwroot\admin\includes\functions\sitemap.php on line 203


I can't duplicate this. But my guess is that your configure file is not setup correctly. Try printing the $path variable, at that location, like this to see if it shows a valid path
function GetFilesArray($path, &$lines) {
echo $path;


On my actual site, if I click the sitemap link, the sitemap page displays a listing of links to all my site categories, but nothing else - no produts, no about page, no contatct us page, etc. The related products and related category links however at the bottom of product pages and category pages are working fine.... any ideas as to what I might have wrong?

Sounds like you didn't complete the installation: Change the settings in admin->Sitemap SEO->Settings Control.


I read in the install.txt that "This will only work for boxes with hard coded links, like the information box. If you don't use such a box, skip this step." I don't know exactly what is meant by that... I do use the info box, but have added some of my own additonal links/pages such as "about us".... not sure if this statement applies to me or not...


If the code can understand the links in a box, the links will show up correctly in Box Control for that infobox. If none of the links show correctly, then exclude that box. If only specific lnks don't show correctly, exclude those links.


(Also FYI, the 2.3.1 install.txt for the new version needs to have the step added to it to add the


to the bm_information.php file in /includes/languages/english/modules/boxes. The file is included in the package with the definition, but for those of us doing an install to a modified site, we'll miss that the first time around since the step's missing in the install.txt.... no biggie, since as soon as you see the link on your site's info box, you know what you need to do.... but just wanted to point that out.)

Thank's for pointing this out.

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I can't duplicate this. But my guess is that your configure file is not setup correctly. Try printing the $path variable, at that location, like this to see if it shows a valid path
 function GetFilesArray($path, &$lines) { echo $path; 

Thanks Jack for the quick response. You must have missed that part of my post where I stated that I had already added a line to print out the $path parameter, and it shows as "D:/home/mysitename.com/wwwroot/includes/modules/boxes/Array".... the interesting thing being the "Array" at the end of the path... the path itself is fine, but I'm guessing the function is getting the &path param passed to as an unintentional concatenation of "path plus some array" rather than "path plus a filename"?



Sounds like you didn't complete the installation: Change the settings in admin->Sitemap SEO->Settings Control.]

Thanks - exactly what that was. I was following the steps at the end of install.txt, but stopped when I encountered the above error issue. So, ignoring that for now, I went ahead and set up everything in the Settings Control page, and then in Page Control, and now all my sitemap displays just fine. So, it would seem that I can do everything I need to do with this Page Control page.... not sure to be honest exactly what all the Box Control page would give above and beyond the Page Control page.... just a way to manage within box "subsets" what I see listed on Page Control? If I'm getting what I want/need for now from Page Control, do you see it as a potential problem if we don't figure out the issue with the Box Control page? Thanks again for your help, and also thanks for the contribution!

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not sure to be honest exactly what all the Box Control page would give above and beyond the Page Control page.... just a way to manage within box "subsets" what I see listed on Page Control? If I'm getting what I want/need for now from Page Control, do you see it as a potential problem if we don't figure out the issue with the Box Control page? Thanks again for your help, and also thanks for the contribution!

That array problem was in the contribution when it first released, as I recall. But that has not been a problem for years so I'm surprised to see it back. It must be something I changed but I can't find anything obvious.


The box control allows you to add links found in infoboxes to the sitemap page. It will only work with links that coded using an oscommerce link. When you enable a box in box control, it will list the links it can understand. Usually, the only box it can read is the information box. Others have their own code to build the links, like What's New and Specials, so it just isn't practical to try and code for those. So that meanus you will probably only be missing a few links from the sitemap page, which makes it not very important.

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That array problem was in the contribution when it first released, as I recall. But that has not been a problem for years so I'm surprised to see it back. It must be something I changed but I can't find anything obvious.


The box control allows you to add links found in infoboxes to the sitemap page. It will only work with links that coded using an oscommerce link. When you enable a box in box control, it will list the links it can understand. Usually, the only box it can read is the information box. Others have their own code to build the links, like What's New and Specials, so it just isn't practical to try and code for those. So that meanus you will probably only be missing a few links from the sitemap page, which makes it not very important.


Ok, thanks. Yeah, I created my own box called "Colors, Patterns, and Finishes", but I did it all the "osCommerce way", and so all those links are showing up just fine in the site map, so I guess I'm cool for now!


So, I've been moving down the list of your recommended SEO contributions as listed in your profile page, and next on the list is "All Products SEO". Are you recommending a store site to have both your Sitemap SEO contribution and the All Products SEO - do these complement each other, or are they more mutually exclusive? Thanks again!

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So, I've been moving down the list of your recommended SEO contributions as listed in your profile page, and next on the list is "All Products SEO". Are you recommending a store site to have both your Sitemap SEO contribution and the All Products SEO - do these complement each other, or are they more mutually exclusive? Thanks again!

Yes, I recommend them both. The whole idea with the various contributions that adds links is to provide a quciker way for the search engies to get around. This contribution adds links for non-product pages, unless that option is enabled, which it can't be for many sites due to the large number of products. All Products SEO provides direct links to the products and makes it easier for your customers to get around. Unfortunately, All Products SEO isn't currently available for 2.3. I've made the changes here and it works fine but I haven't had time to put it in a package. I had hoped to have had it done by now but it looks like it will be a little while longer.

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Yes, I recommend them both. The whole idea with the various contributions that adds links is to provide a quciker way for the search engies to get around. This contribution adds links for non-product pages, unless that option is enabled, which it can't be for many sites due to the large number of products. All Products SEO provides direct links to the products and makes it easier for your customers to get around. Unfortunately, All Products SEO isn't currently available for 2.3. I've made the changes here and it works fine but I haven't had time to put it in a package. I had hoped to have had it done by now but it looks like it will be a little while longer.


Ok, thanks for the advice. In the meantime, do you know of any other contrib's for 2.3.1 that would provide similar functionality to All Products SEO, or you think I should just wait if you think you might have a package in the near future? (Oops, probably should post this in the All Products SEO forum, but this will be the last of this thread, promise!)

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Ok, thanks for the advice. In the meantime, do you know of any other contrib's for 2.3.1 that would provide similar functionality to All Products SEO, or you think I should just wait if you think you might have a package in the near future? (Oops, probably should post this in the All Products SEO forum, but this will be the last of this thread, promise!)

There are others but I don't recommend them.

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i have just upgrade from 1.7 to 1.9 and have 2 problems.


When I view the www.yeltsa.com/sitemap.php the top level categories url are like this www.yeltsa.com/-c-.html although the anchor text is present and correct.


The other is when I change settings within the admin on the Page Control page is does not save my settings when i click update.


Any help would be great

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