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FWR Media

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I have been wanting something like the auction you are working on for some time now, found your auctionTastic 1.0 Beta2 tonight and installed it on a clean install of osCommerce. When I tested an auction I received the following error messages. This did not happen in the first bid, but does happen on every bid after the first. Tried two auctions, same result each time. I can click the return button in my web browser and the auction has been updated with my last bid


Looking forward to the day I can use your mod in my store. Thanks for the effort!


Error messages:


Notice: Undefined property: auctions::$productsId in /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php on line 560


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php:560) in /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/functions/general.php on line 33

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I have been wanting something like the auction you are working on for some time now, found your auctionTastic 1.0 Beta2 tonight and installed it on a clean install of osCommerce. When I tested an auction I received the following error messages. This did not happen in the first bid, but does happen on every bid after the first. Tried two auctions, same result each time. I can click the return button in my web browser and the auction has been updated with my last bid


Looking forward to the day I can use your mod in my store. Thanks for the effort!


Error messages:


Notice: Undefined property: auctions::$productsId in /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php on line 560


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php:560) in /home/badgerma/public_html/auction-sale/includes/functions/general.php on line 33




Find ...

	  $auction_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO,'products_id=' . $this->productsId);


Change to ...


	  $auction_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO,'products_id=' . $this->auctionProductsId);

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Hi FWR, I sent you an email

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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Find ...

	  $auction_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO,'products_id=' . $this->productsId);


Change to ...


	  $auction_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO,'products_id=' . $this->auctionProductsId);



Did the trick, thank you very much!

Any estimate of when you will feel this is ready for use in a live osCommerce? Also, I noticed another post about Categories where you said if there was enough interest you would consider adding them, count me as interested. I will try and keep up with this and do some testing for you, if there is anything specific you would like me to test/do, just let me know. My coding experience is minimal but maybe you need people with little coding knowledge to test so you can see how such people handle your auctions... thanks again.

Edited by GetSirius
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I don't know what is going on but I installed auction topic today on my server and it does not work at all. It is working properly on my PC (localhost ) but not on live server.


After overwrite \includes\boxes\categories.php with original file it was working again.


Can you help me please?





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I don't know what is going on but I installed auction topic today on my server and it does not work at all. It is working properly on my PC (localhost ) but not on live server.


After overwrite \includes\boxes\categories.php with original file it was working again.


Can you help me please?






As standard auctionTastic sets error_reporting to E_ALL which oscommerce doesn't like try commenting out error_reporting in includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php like : _



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As standard auctionTastic sets error_reporting to E_ALL which oscommerce doesn't like try commenting out error_reporting in includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php like : _




It doesn't help at all. I still have got just a white screen.

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It doesn't help at all. I still have got just a white screen.



This is only related to the boxes/categories.php file?

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This is only related to the boxes/categories.php file?



When I overwrite original files with files from upload folder, everything is all right even after installer.php instal new databases.

After I copy modified files I can see just white screen.


I do not understand.

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When I overwrite original files with files from upload folder, everything is all right even after installer.php instal new databases.

After I copy modified files I can see just white screen.


I do not understand.


Ah I think I see what is happening here.


AuctionTastic has two possible install methods


1) Drop on top - this REQUIRES a totally untouched brand new install of osCommerce version RC2a


2) File modification method - you have to follow the mod instructions, carefully adding code to your existing files ensuring not to break any existing modifications.


Sounds to me like you did a 1) when either the version of oscommerce wasn't RC2a or you dumped the modified files on to an already modded oscommerce installation.

Edited by FWR Media
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I noticed in the pre-release the following things:


- I was able to bid on an item after the auction ended

- The item won was not added to the cart immediately, I had to log out and back in to see it

- The admin/auctions.php page does not allow me to delete the highest bidder and make the second or third bidder the winner. It has no admin interaction


This was added on to a modified store late last night when I was half asleep, so I will install it again on a fresh install of RC2 later this afternoon/evening and play around with it some more to see what happens and post anything I see.

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I noticed in the pre-release the following things:


- I was able to bid on an item after the auction ended

- The item won was not added to the cart immediately, I had to log out and back in to see it

- The admin/auctions.php page does not allow me to delete the highest bidder and make the second or third bidder the winner. It has no admin interaction

-catalog/product_info.php?auction_show is defaulted to SSL so pages are sent to https and dont show on non SSL installed servers

- Once the auction is over the message displayed is: This product is on auction. To bid, you must first log into your account or create a new account. (Click Here) . On a live auction it seems fine but would probably be better to have a separate message for expired auctions.



This was added on to a modified store late last night when I was half asleep so there is scope of error on my part, so I will install it again on a fresh install of RC2 later this afternoon/evening and play around with it some more to see what happens and post anything I see. I have to comment on the following:


- The sending of outbid emails is a very positive touch and is a marked improvement on the French auctions contribution.

- The adding of Customer ID's as opposed to names/usernames is also a good idea to keep customer details confidential


Can anyone confirm what the admin/auctions.php page is supposed to do when an item is won? As my page doesn't allow me to do anything for some reason, I can only assume it allows admin to delete the highest bidder and make the second or third bidder the winner but is this supposed to be a pre-requisite before the customer pays for items won? If a customer can pay immediately after the auction therefore doing so before the auction winner can be edited in admin it defeats the object. Therefore what is the point of having the auction winner edit functions in admin unless they are specific to a live auction to remove a bid. Some insight in to this would be appreciated.


Also, did the French auction contribution have a start date alongside the auction end date?


FWR has put a lot of effort in to improving the existing auction contributions. Thanks for bringing the updated enhanced contribution to the community.

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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@Chooch don't know if you noticed the extra admin options by the way (admin>configuration)


On to your response, which btw is most appreciated.


Chooch> I was able to bid on an item after the auction ended


FWR> I cannot replicate this .. the window stays open as though you can still bid (doesn't auto refresh) but if you look the bid should not have happened.


Chooch> - The item won was not added to the cart immediately, I had to log out and back in to see it


FWR> I cannot replicate this .. if I refresh the page the product is added to cart.


Chooch> - catalog/product_info.php?auction_show is defaulted to SSL so pages are sent to https and dont show on non SSL installed servers



FWR> Nice catch!




Find ..


tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $oscAuctions->auctions['auctions'][$i]->products_id . '&page=' . $oscAuctions->pageNum . '&auction_show=1', 'SSL')


Change to ..


tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $oscAuctions->auctions['auctions'][$i]->products_id . '&page=' . $oscAuctions->pageNum . '&auction_show=1')


Chooch> - Once the auction is over the message displayed is: This product is on auction. To bid, you must first log into your account or create a new account. (Click Here) . On a live auction it seems fine but would probably be better to have a separate message for expired auctions.


FWR> Ok not critical but point taken.


Chooch> Can anyone confirm what the admin/auctions.php page is supposed to do when an item is won? As my page doesn't allow me to do anything for some reason, I can only assume it allows admin to delete the highest bidder and make the second or third bidder the winner but is this supposed to be a pre-requisite before the customer pays for items won? If a customer can pay immediately after the auction therefore doing so before the auction winner can be edited in admin it defeats the object. Therefore what is the point of having the auction winner edit functions in admin unless they are specific to a live auction to remove a bid. Some insight in to this would be appreciated.


FWR> Right errrm


a) You can edit the auction ending time


B) Most important . if the auction has been won and paid for then you need to do nothing .. however .. if the auction has been won and added to a persons cart but they won't buy you have options.


If you edit on a case like this (more bids than one or it wont let you do anything except delete the whole auction) you will see an option for "remove" this will remove all bids of the top bidder so the system reverts to the next bid in line .. the item is removed from the original winners cart and added to the next in line.


Hope that clarifies a bit.


Chooch> Also, did the French auction contribution have a start date alongside the auction end date?


FWR> Dunno never seen the French version.

Edited by FWR Media
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FWR thanks for the reply. I wasn't asking for a fix to anything I mentioned, I was just pointing out what I thought were bugs in the contribution including the non critical auction product info message ;) I found the issue I had with auctioned items not going to cart without re-logging in being related to items placed in the permanent cart before the auction contribution was installed so it's not really a bug as such. Also the bidding after the auction has ended was something I too couldn't replicate - I will blame that on late nights.


I notice that after an item has been won and added to cart if the buyer then revisits the ended auction by clicking the item from the cart page it takes the customer to the non-auction full price item product info page whereas if the auction is set to stay visible the customer can go back to the ended auction page and view the final price, bids, number of bidders etc. Not sure if that is something deliberate or an oversight.


As for the matter of removing bids in admin/auctions and so on I think that I have a problem specific to my store as what you say isn't happening. I can see the page with the listings and all bidders and so on but there is nothing that allows me to edit the bidders. I can however delete the whole auction but not do anything to the status. I will see if I can replicate this as I mentioned earlier I will add this to a fresh install of RC2 and play around with it this evening and tonight because I may use the contribution in a live store and just want to see how viable it is... and to be honest from what I recall it is a big step forward from the French auction script even though you never saw that one.

Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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FWR thanks for the reply. I wasn't asking for a fix to anything I mentioned, I was just pointing out what I thought were bugs in the contribution including the non critical auction product info message ;)


I know I know and thanks for your effort.



Chooch> I notice that after an item has been won and added to cart if the buyer then revisits the ended auction by clicking the item from the cart page it takes the customer to the non-auction full price item product info page whereas if the auction is set to stay visible the customer can go back to the ended auction page and view the final price, bids, number of bidders etc. Not sure if that is something deliberate or an oversight.


FWR> It's intentional one of the hardest things to achieve was to ensure that all products can still be purchased normally .. some customers would rather just pay and go. It is very restrictive for the product to be tied to an auction, it simply means that the item can't be bought at full price .. madness imo.


Chooch> As for the matter of removing bids in admin/auctions and so on I think that I have a problem specific to my store as what you say isn't happening. I can see the page with the listings and all bidders and so on but there is nothing that allows me to edit the bidders. I can however delete the whole auction but not do anything to the status.



FWR> You are clicking on the edit button on the right I presume?



Chooch> I will see if I can replicate this as I mentioned earlier I will add this to a fresh install of RC2 and play around with it this evening and tonight because I may use the contribution in a live store and just want to see how viable it is... and to be honest from what I recall it is a big step forward from the French auction script even though you never saw that one.


Again Chooch your efforts are greatly appreciated.

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Oh and how did you get on with my experimental installer?

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Ah I think I see what is happening here.


AuctionTastic has two possible install methods


1) Drop on top - this REQUIRES a totally untouched brand new install of osCommerce version RC2a


2) File modification method - you have to follow the mod instructions, carefully adding code to your existing files ensuring not to break any existing modifications.


Sounds to me like you did a 1) when either the version of oscommerce wasn't RC2a or you dumped the modified files on to an already modded oscommerce installation.



after many tests and changes and manual instalation of modified files I found out the problem is in catalog/includes/aplication_top.php

but I do not know where.


When I overwrite aplication_top.php with original file everything seems to be all right but auction does not work.

When I modify aplication_top.php again, the same problem is here.


Have you got an idea?



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A quick update, I'll probably give one more tonight......


FWR, definitely the installer and installer class are a breeze, it works well with adding to the database. It saves all the hassle with using phpmyadmin and alike. I added to the database on a modified shop yesterday and a fresh install today - both times I used the installer and both times no errors or problems. I have used two or three contributions with these types of installers and it saves time with the installation process.


Here's what I see as possible problems or issues in the script and this is on a fresh install of RC2 and the files in the contribution overwritten on them with no modifications by me:


1) If admin sets the page not to refresh, once the auction is over nothing happens. The admin end of the auction stays the same and no emails are sent out to the winner. The page needs to refresh or some kind of navigation must take place on the site to trigger the process. Please correct me if I have got this wrong however if I am right it may be an idea to refresh the page by forced refresh automatically once the last second has ticked by and the message shows up stating "Time Remaining: Auction Ended" because by doing so everything post auction falls into place. At present its been over 10 minutes since the test auction finished and I haven't been able to see the admin/auctions page with all the bidders etc and no emails have been sent even though I have refreshed the admin pages and clicked many links in admin.


2) Ok, I have just now triggered the process by refreshing the catalog/auctions page and the whole thing went like it should. The winner was notified with the 'Congratulations You Won' email and in admin/auction I could see the bidders as the page updated. In the screenshot you see there is no button to allow me to remove or edit the winning bid - I am a bit confused here so some clarification is requested. Only the 'cleick here to delete' works but there is no Edit button or function.



3) Also the admin/orders page does not show this auction order. This happened on the modified store and I thought it was a bug but obviosuly it isn't. Once the customer uses the checkout the order shows up in admin/orders.php. So if there is a store with many items for auction there maybe some confusion for admin to keep track. To separate the admin/auctions in two by using the current page for live auction and having an identical one for auctions ended is something that may bring an improvement to the contribution. Or to have a dropbox in the mainpage with options such as "All", "Live", "Ended Paid", "Ended Unpaid" may be a good idea as it may be less confusing for admin as each page opened would bring exactly what admin wants to see.


4) For clarity, I definitely was not able to bid on an expired auction on this fresh install RC2 test site - whatever went wrong first time on the modified shop was either because of a bug created by existing modifications or by me making an error. I blame it on working on the site very late last night :lol:


A suggestion here: By no means am I requesting this be added as it is simply an observation but do you think it would it be a good idea to be to set a time limit for the customer to pay for the auction otherwise it will be automatically offered to the second highest bidder and then the third, or basically be re-listed after being offered to 2 or 3 next highest bidders? If someone sets up an auction only store or a store with many auctions alongside standard products it will be next to impossible to keep track of unpaid auction winners in the current set-up.


FWR and everyone else on this thread, I hope that helps.

Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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Not ignoring you Chooch just testing some of your comments .. be back in a bit.

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1) If admin sets the page not to refresh, once the auction is over nothing happens. The admin end of the auction stays the same and no emails are sent out to the winner. The page needs to refresh or some kind of navigation must take place on the site to trigger the process. Please correct me if I have got this wrong however if I am right it may be an idea to refresh the page by forced refresh automatically once the last second has ticked by and the message shows up stating "Time Remaining: Auction Ended" because by doing so everything post auction falls into place. At present its been over 10 minutes since the test auction finished and I haven't been able to see the admin/auctions page with all the bidders etc and no emails have been sent even though I have refreshed the admin pages and clicked many links in admin.


FWR> Good point




find ...


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
TargetDate = "<?php echo date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strtotime($this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->expires_date)); ?>";
CountActive = true;
CountStepper = -1;
LeadingZero = true;
DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Day(s), %%H%% Hour(s), %%M%% Minute(s), %%S%% Second(s).";
FinishMessage = "<?php echo COUNTDOWN_COMPLETE; ?>";


Replace with ..


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function Redirect()
window.location="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO,'products_id=' . $this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->products_id . '&page=' . (int)$_GET['page'] . '&auction_show=1'); ?>";
TargetDate = "<?php echo date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strtotime($this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->expires_date)); ?>";
CountActive = true;
CountStepper = -1;
LeadingZero = true;
DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Day(s), %%H%% Hour(s), %%M%% Minute(s), %%S%% Second(s).";
FinishMessage = "<?php echo COUNTDOWN_COMPLETE; ?>";




Find ...


  if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;


Replace with ...


  if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;
setTimeout('Redirect()', 10000);


Actually the js part may need to be as below because otherwise it will probably continously refresh every 10 secs


  if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;
if (secs > -19) {
setTimeout('Redirect()', 10000);


Will confirm in a mo

Edited by FWR Media
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The following works best . .


  if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;
if (secs > -10) {
setTimeout('Redirect()', 10000);

Edited by FWR Media
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2) Ok, I have just now triggered the process by refreshing the catalog/auctions page and the whole thing went like it should. The winner was notified with the 'Congratulations You Won' email and in admin/auction I could see the bidders as the page updated. In the screenshot you see there is no button to allow me to remove or edit the winning bid - I am a bit confused here so some clarification is requested. Only the 'cleick here to delete' works but there is no Edit button or function.


The clue there for me is that the status isn't "won".


There is an issue here that I can't replicate .. the status of the winning bidder should be "won" there would then be an option to REMOVE.



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Thanks for checking the second issue. Is there any possibility the zip file contained an out of date or untested admin/auctions file? I tried this contribution on a modified and unmodified store - both did not allow the 'won' status to show. I am thinking it may be related to the files I downloaded - sorry for the confusion.

Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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Part 1:

Chooch> Also the admin/orders page does not show this auction order.



Chooch> This happened on the modified store and I thought it was a bug but obviosuly it isn't. Once the customer uses the checkout the order shows up in admin/orders.php.


FWR> Part 1 says the order does not show in admin/orders .. part 2 says that the order DOES show in admin/orders.


I'm therefore confused.





Chooch> So if there is a store with many items for auction there maybe some confusion for admin to keep track. To separate the admin/auctions in two by using the current page for live auction and having an identical one for auctions ended is something that may bring an improvement to the contribution. Or to have a dropbox in the mainpage with options such as "All", "Live", "Ended Paid", "Ended Unpaid" may be a good idea as it may be less confusing for admin as each page opened would bring exactly what admin wants to see.


FWR> Yes I have hardly touched the admin end from the old auctions contrib. It no doubt needs some work.




Chooch> A suggestion here: By no means am I requesting this be added as it is simply an observation but do you think it would it be a good idea to be to set a time limit for the customer to pay for the auction otherwise it will be automatically offered to the second highest bidder and then the third, or basically be re-listed after being offered to 2 or 3 next highest bidders? If someone sets up an auction only store or a store with many auctions alongside standard products it will be next to impossible to keep track of unpaid auction winners in the current set-up.


FWR> Quite possibly . .however at this stage I'm trying to get the core functionality as solid as possible, all suggestions though are highly valuable.

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