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FWR Media

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Hello Sir, I am back....I was off sick for last few days.....I am very sorry for late feedback....


I installed your second version it is working awsom i have not found as such any error yet....what i will suggest now the time is to add some new features.....let me know your feedback on this....then we will start making wish list......


From my side if you change first version as per all my past feedbacks and you should go ahead and release Second (beta) version for AuctionTastic.....


I truly became your "Coding Fan" after working with you on this......







I uploaded the new version and would appreciate your thoughts.

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Is this an ebay style auction where I can have people come to my site and add their auction items?






Nope osCommerce is a shop system .. therefore you can auction YOUR products.

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Is there any contrib's out there that have this ability or is it a future possibility of this one?






At this stage I have no intention of the contribution following that path.

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Hey my first Post :-)


Ok i have installed the Contrib in my shop. But i have a problem. When i create a new Auction there are always prices without Tax but i need prices including Tax. Same Problem as a bidder. Can you help me?




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I uploaded the new version and would appreciate your thoughts.



Thanks for your post.


One small (but painful) bug i got, just want to inform you, some how i got two entries of my own bid one after one?


I doubt that some how due to net lag( delay in database update) i got two entries, but both were having different price value?


Also while playing around i mess up my left & right column border (only in product.info page other places fine). Now some how it is not showing any outline.....can u guide me on this ?




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Thanks for your post.


One small (but painful) bug i got, just want to inform you, some how i got two entries of my own bid one after one?


I doubt that some how due to net lag( delay in database update) i got two entries, but both were having different price value?


Can you replicate this issue? The only time I have seen this is where ..


I bid

someone else bids

I bid

someone else bids and wins


The winner doesn't complete the purchase and admin removes their bids.


What's left is ..


My bid

My bid


Also while playing around i mess up my left & right column border (only in product.info page other places fine). Now some how it is not showing any outline.....can u guide me on this ?





I can't really help with html issues that you have created on your own site .. it's outside of the realms of support.

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Hey my first Post :-)


Ok i have installed the Contrib in my shop. But i have a problem. When i create a new Auction there are always prices without Tax but i need prices including Tax. Same Problem as a bidder. Can you help me?





Sorry for my slow reply have been quite busy.


Creating an auction in admin the prices should be ex vat. On the front end both bids and prices shown should be incl vat.


I'll try and check it myself later.

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Hi, your multiple product auctions looks all right but there is something missing.


1.I'm missing categories in auction products, cos when you have got too many product (50), is difficult to find what you are looking for. If I would be visitor of this auction (on my web too) I would just go to another web instead of spending long time in there.


2.If I've got one product as “BUY IT” and the some product on auction too and I've got just one in stock and somebody have bought it already from categories as “BUY IT”, my auction still works and people can still bid on the product even is not in stock already.


But all auction is really good idea and I'm happy you provided the auction on web.

And it would be good if people could just add them own products for auction. :D


Thank you



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Hi, your multiple product auctions looks all right but there is something missing.


1.I'm missing categories in auction products, cos when you have got too many product (50), is difficult to find what you are looking for. If I would be visitor of this auction (on my web too) I would just go to another web instead of spending long time in there.


2.If I've got one product as “BUY IT” and the some product on auction too and I've got just one in stock and somebody have bought it already from categories as “BUY IT”, my auction still works and people can still bid on the product even is not in stock already.


But all auction is really good idea and I'm happy you provided the auction on web.

And it would be good if people could just add them own products for auction. :D


Thank you




1) Not on my list of "things to do" but may consider it if enough requests.


2) Valid point .. at auction creation stock should be reduced by one.


And it would be good if people could just add them own products for auction


I've got no intention of doing this whatsoever.

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Hi ,


On auction.php page of website I am getting "done with error" (left down side on explorer may be javascript error) that


error:Object expected


can u guide what it is expecting?


Sure ..




Find ..


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">


Add immediately below ..


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
var selected;

function selectRowEffect(object, buttonSelect) {
 if (!selected) {
if (document.getElementById) {
  selected = document.getElementById('defaultSelected');
} else {
  selected = document.all['defaultSelected'];

 if (selected) selected.className = 'moduleRow';
 object.className = 'moduleRowSelected';
 selected = object;

// one button is not an array
 if (document.checkout_payment.payment[0]) {
 } else {

function rowOverEffect(object) {
 if (object.className == 'moduleRow') object.className = 'moduleRowOver';

function rowOutEffect(object) {
 if (object.className == 'moduleRowOver') object.className = 'moduleRow';

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Sure ..




Find ..


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">


Add immediately below ..


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--

var selected;


function selectRowEffect(object, buttonSelect) {

if (!selected) {

if (document.getElementById) {



Its gone now, thank you very much.....


one more thing i observed when i am selecting one of the item from auction.php page, it is going to product info page for details but in left down corner on product_info page it is showing "done with error" error is showing as syntax error......


again after refresh of that same page it has no error......


Please have a look.....




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Find ..


  if(<?php echo $highcust; ?> == <?php echo $this->customerId; ?>){
alert('<?php echo AUCTIONS_NOT_OUTBID_SELF; ?>');
return false;


Replace with ..


 if( tep_session_is_registered('customer_id') ){
 if(<?php echo $highcust; ?> == <?php echo $this->customerId; ?>){
alert('<?php echo AUCTIONS_NOT_OUTBID_SELF; ?>');
return false;

Edited by FWR Media
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Thankyou very much error is gone now.......


one thing i wish a auction should have in the time remaining-------it should recursively call lust like setTimeout in javascript....so that time should show each and every second left..i mean it should tick-tick up to last second......


I wish u can understand with my words....


i simply want user should get time remaining second by second.....


i tried to do this with by introducing new js function which will be call from countdown function...with argument as balance time and then recursive call by setTimeout in js....


still by fonts are not showing as it is in echo by php...i am using write.html of js........


function i used......


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function countdown_clock(second1, format1)



html_code = '<div id="countdown"></div>';





countdown(second1, format1);



function countdown(time_difference, format)



Time_Left = time_difference;


if(Time_Left < 0)

Time_Left = 0;




case 0:

//The simplest way to display the time left.

document.all.countdown.innerHTML = time_difference + ' seconds';


case 1:

//More datailed.

days = Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60 * 24));

Time_Left %= (60 * 60 * 24);

hours = Math.floor(Time_Left / (60 * 60));

Time_Left %= (60 * 60);

minutes = Math.floor(Time_Left / 60);

Time_Left %= 60;

seconds = Time_Left;


dps = 's'; hps = 's'; mps = 's'; sps = 's';

//ps is short for plural suffix.

if(days == 1) dps ='';

if(hours == 1) hps ='';

if(minutes == 1) mps ='';

if(seconds == 1) sps ='';



document.all.countdown.innerHTML = days + ' day' + dps + ' ';

document.all.countdown.innerHTML += hours + ' hour' + hps + ' ';

document.all.countdown.innerHTML += minutes + ' minute' + mps + ' and ';

document.all.countdown.innerHTML += seconds + ' second' + sps;




document.all.countdown.innerHTML = Time_Left + ' seconds';





//Recursive call, keeps the clock ticking.

setTimeout('countdown(' + time_difference + ', ' + format + ');', 1000);







and i called it from


function auctionsCountdown($datetime) {


$datetime = strtotime($datetime);

$curr_time = time();

if( $datetime < $curr_time ){



// get current unix timestamp

$today = time();

$difference = $datetime - $today;

if ($difference <= 0) $difference = 0;

$days_left = floor($difference / (60 * 60 * 24));

$remainder = $difference % (60 * 60 * 24);

$hours_left = floor($remainder / (60 * 60));

$remainder = $remainder % (60 * 60);

$minutes_left = floor($remainder / 60);

$seconds_left = $remainder % 60;

if( $difference == 0 ){








<script type="text/javascript">



$second2 = $difference ;



countdown_clock(<?= $second2 ?>, 1);









//Build output string

if( $days_left != 1 ){

echo $days_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_DAYS_TEXT . ' ';

} else {

echo $days_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_DAY_TEXT . ' ';


if( $hours_left != 1 ){

echo $hours_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_HOURS_TEXT . ' ';

} else {

echo $hours_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_HOUR_TEXT . ' ';


if( $minutes_left != 1 ){

echo $minutes_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_MINUTES_TEXT . ' ';

} else {

echo $minutes_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_MINUTE_TEXT . ' ';



echo $seconds_left . ' ' . COUNTDOWN_SECONDS_TEXT . "\n";




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Sorry for my slow reply have been quite busy.


Creating an auction in admin the prices should be ex vat. On the front end both bids and prices shown should be incl vat.


I'll try and check it myself later.


Ok clear, but if the bidders come from different countries with different taxes there is a problem with new bids. When there is a shop in Austria there are 20% Vat., a German bidder only has 19% Vat. When i am bidding 5.00€ from Germany there will be a Maxbid of 5.36€ !???

Should´nt this be 5.00€ for every bidder??


Kind Regards


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Ok clear, but if the bidders come from different countries with different taxes there is a problem with new bids. When there is a shop in Austria there are 20% Vat., a German bidder only has 19% Vat. When i am bidding 5.00€ from Germany there will be a Maxbid of 5.36€ !???

Should´nt this be 5.00€ for every bidder??


Kind Regards



The auction uses the standard osCommerce tax calculations so I doubt it is a bug. If you have set up different tax rates for different countries then the individual bidder should have tax calculated according to your shop tax set up for their country.

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Another BUG :-)


Don't sound so surprised, these is in beta and you are a beta tester :) It wasn't possible for me to test all international variants by myself.


I have an article with a price of 15000€

No one can bid on it. i think its because of the jacascript that compares if the bid price is higher...





I'll take a look later this evening.

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Don't sound so surprised, these is in beta and you are a beta tester :) It wasn't possible for me to test all international variants by myself.




I'll take a look later this evening.


LOOOOOOL yeah i know i am a beta tester. But i want to help you to make a good contrib!

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Another BUG :-)


I have an article with a price of 15000€

No one can bid on it. i think its because of the jacascript that compares if the bid price is higher...





Thanks for spotting this, I think it identifies a raw figure processing problem . .




Find ..


$bid_unformatted = ($this->auctions_price_array['raw'] + $this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->overbid_amount);
$with_tax = $currencies->calculate_price($bid_unformatted, tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id']));
$no_tax = number_format(tep_round(($bid_unformatted * $currencies->currencies[$currency]['value']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_point'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['thousands_point']);
$validNewBid =  number_format(tep_round(($with_tax * $currencies->currencies[$currency]['value']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_point'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['thousands_point']);
$validNewBidDisplay = $currencies->display_price($bid_unformatted, tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id']));


Change to ..

$bid_unformatted = ($this->auctions_price_array['raw'] + $this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->overbid_amount);
$with_tax = $currencies->calculate_price($bid_unformatted, tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id']));
$no_tax	  = number_format(tep_round(($bid_unformatted * $currencies->currencies[$currency]['value']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places'], '.', '');
$validNewBid =  number_format(tep_round($with_tax * $currencies->currencies[$currency]['value'], $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places']), $currencies->currencies[$currency]['decimal_places'], '.', '');
$validNewBidDisplay = $currencies->display_price($bid_unformatted, tep_get_tax_rate($product_info['products_tax_class_id']));


Let me know how it works for you.

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Hello Sir,


Please give your valueable comment on my post as well.





Stop calling me "sir" :) I'm FWR Media on here!


Try the following Ankur:-


Create a new file containing the following code.


the file should be called countdown.js and placed at ...




function calcage(secs, num1, num2) {

 s = ((Math.floor(secs/num1))%num2).toString();

 if (LeadingZero && s.length < 2)
s = "0" + s;
 return  s;

function CountBack(secs) {

 if (secs < 0) {
document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = FinishMessage;

 DisplayStr = DisplayFormat.replace(/%%D%%/g, calcage(secs,86400,100000));
 DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%H%%/g, calcage(secs,3600,24));
 DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%M%%/g, calcage(secs,60,60));
 DisplayStr = DisplayStr.replace(/%%S%%/g, calcage(secs,1,60));

 document.getElementById("cntdwn").innerHTML = DisplayStr;

 if (CountActive)
setTimeout("CountBack(" + (secs+CountStepper) + ")", SetTimeOutPeriod);

function putspan() {
document.write("<span id='cntdwn'></span>");

if (typeof(CountActive)=="undefined")
 CountActive = true;
if (typeof(FinishMessage)=="undefined")
 FinishMessage = "";
if (typeof(CountStepper)!="number")
 CountStepper = -1;
if (typeof(LeadingZero)=="undefined")
 LeadingZero = true;

CountStepper = Math.ceil(CountStepper);
if (CountStepper == 0)
 CountActive = false;

var SetTimeOutPeriod = (Math.abs(CountStepper)-1)*1000 + 990;


var dthen = new Date(TargetDate);
var dnow = new Date();

 ddiff = new Date(dnow-dthen);
 ddiff = new Date(dthen-dnow);
gsecs = Math.floor(ddiff.valueOf()/1000);



Open catalog/includes/modules/auctions/auction_bids.php


Find ..




Replace with ...


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
TargetDate = "<?php echo date("m/d/Y H:i:s", strtotime($this->auctions['auctions'][$this->auctionKey]->expires_date)); ?>";
CountActive = true;
CountStepper = -1;
LeadingZero = true;
DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Day(s), %%H%% Hour(s), %%M%% Minute(s), %%S%% Second(s).";
FinishMessage = "<?php echo COUNTDOWN_COMPLETE; ?>";
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo DIR_WS_MODULES; ?>auctions/js/countdown.js"></script>

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