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FWR Media

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I wanna add one feature which is very popular these days.........when any user hits "bidnow" button time increases by say 30 seconds......what you say how it sounds.... also.....can u guide me for this........


Also i want to refresh product info page in every 5 seconds.....guide me how to do.......does it make any prob.....

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I wanna add one feature which is very popular these days.........when any user hits "bidnow" button time increases by say 30 seconds......what you say how it sounds.... also.....can u guide me for this........


Also i want to refresh product info page in every 5 seconds.....guide me how to do.......does it make any prob.....



I would view these as feature requests rather than essentials to the contribution, at this stage I want to solidify the code base for users rather than "fatten" with features.


Point one you would probably run a query altering table auctions>expires_date by 30 seconds (if there was less than one minute left and the auction was currently open).


Point 2 you would need to add to the installer configuration value like ..


                                                                      'configuration_description' => 'Do you want product info pages to auto refresh? If so how frequently?<br>5 = 5secs<br>10 = 10 secs<br>20 = 20 secs<br>30 = 30 secs<br>60 = 1 minute<br>300 = 5 minutes',
                                                                     'configuration_group_id'    => '',
                                                                     'sort_order'                => '99',
                                                                     'last_modified'             => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
                                                                     'date_added'                => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
                                                                     'use_function'              => NULL,
                                                                     'set_function'              => "tep_cfg_select_option(array(''false'',''5'', ''10'', ''20'', ''30'',''60'',''300''), "))

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It will be very nice of you if you guide me how to set expiry time with increment of 30 seconds each time user click placebid, u can ignore time left for expiry....Please


I tried many times but not able to set.....

Edited by ankurdhoom
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It will be very nice of you if you guide me how to set expiry time with increment of 30 seconds each time user click placebid, u can ignore time left for expiry....Please


I tried many times but not able to set.....


Tell you what .. we'll do a deal.


you send me a personal email ... admin at <my forum name> (dot) co (dot) uk


I'll send you the latest version of auctionTastic .. test it as well as you can and report your findings back here (the forum) and I'll write it for you :)


How's that?

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No I could but don't see the point.


Download a fresh rc2a .. chuck the auctionTastic files over the top (30 secs)


Run the auto installer and you are off.


Hardly worth a demo site when it can be installed in 3 mins.


I was asking because I made my own auction system by joining bunch of other contribution accordingly to my store modification and just wanted to have a look how this one is going.

Have a look:


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I was asking because I made my own auction system by joining bunch of other contribution accordingly to my store modification and just wanted to have a look how this one is going.

Have a look:



Looks like a similar concept .. can you auction products that have attributes?

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Tell you what .. we'll do a deal.


you send me a personal email ... admin at <my forum name> (dot) co (dot) uk


I'll send you the latest version of auctionTastic .. test it as well as you can and report your findings back here (the forum) and I'll write it for you :)


How's that?

can u write one code which can increase end time by 30 seconds whenever user click on placebid button..plz


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Notice: Undefined property: productsId in /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php on line 560


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php:560) in /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 33



I got this error when i am trying to overbid as other user??


probablt this is happening as two programs are sending headers!!!


Plz have a look.......

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Looks like a similar concept .. can you auction products that have attributes?



I do auction just simple cheap items and they do not have any attribute choice. If I would add one the selection would be hidden and product without attribute will be added to the cart.


I see that attribute could be problematic, does your auction shave this option?


Logically customer before bidding will have to choose their selection and there should be some validation to check if they really did select or not. I have some validation in my store, one of the selection option is “-select-”, if that is selected it gives warning that nothing was selected and customer is being forced to make selection.


If you don’t have the attribute feature it will require some additional DB field that will contain customer selection of the attribute. When auction is won and finished the selection will be inserted in to customers_basket_attributes.

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Once the user won auction at the time of checkout......on Delivery Information page i got this error........



Notice: Undefined index: tax in catalog/checkout_shipping.php on line 345



Plz have a look??

Edited by ankurdhoom
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can u write one code which can increase end time by 30 seconds whenever user click on placebid button..plz




First you will have to get the time remaining, break it apart and create:


$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month, $day, $year


And this should create your new ending time

return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + '30', $month, $day, $year));


You could define time first for configuration purpose:

$_amount = '30';
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + $_amount, $month, $day, $year));  //this will print
$insertmenow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + $_amount, $month, $day, $year));  // this is ready insert


I did not test that, this is just the logic how to approach that.

Edited by marcinmf
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First you will have to get the time remaining, break it apart and create:


$hours, $minutes, $seconds, $month, $day, $year


And this should create your new ending time

return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + '30', $month, $day, $year));


You could define time first for configuration purpose:

$_amount = '30';
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + $_amount, $month, $day, $year));  //this will print
$insertmenow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime($hours, $minutes, $seconds + $_amount, $month, $day, $year));  // this is ready insert


I did not test that, this is just the logic how to approach that.



thanks a lot i will use this and try to code....

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Notice: Undefined property: productsId in /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php on line 560


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php:560) in /home/www/4u.atwebpages.com/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 33



I got this error when i am trying to overbid as other user??


probablt this is happening as two programs are sending headers!!!


Plz have a look.......


In answer to both of your questions.


auctionTastic is running error_reporting(E_ALL);


oscommerce cannot run E_ALL in standard format as it throws a bucket load of notices as standard.




Find ..




Change to ..




At the bottom of the var list add ..


var $productsId;


that should do it.

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I do auction just simple cheap items and they do not have any attribute choice. If I would add one the selection would be hidden and product without attribute will be added to the cart.


I see that attribute could be problematic, does your auction shave this option?


Yes auctionTastic caters for products with attributes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I installed AuctionTastic on my 2.2 versionn of osCommerce and I received the following error


Notice: Use of undefined constant MAX_DESCR_1 - assumed 'MAX_DESCR_1' in /home/content/d/s/m/dsmaverick2008/html/includes/modules/new_products.php on line 36


The program seems to work fine, but on the homepage, and every page I click, I see the above error on about 10 rows before the product listing (in the middle of the screen where the pictures and descriptions are. I am using a template from TemplateMonster, so maybe that's the problem. If you have anysuggestions, please let me know.



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Hello. I installed AuctionTastic on my 2.2 versionn of osCommerce and I received the following error


Notice: Use of undefined constant MAX_DESCR_1 - assumed 'MAX_DESCR_1' in /home/content/d/s/m/dsmaverick2008/html/includes/modules/new_products.php on line 36


The program seems to work fine, but on the homepage, and every page I click, I see the above error on about 10 rows before the product listing (in the middle of the screen where the pictures and descriptions are. I am using a template from TemplateMonster, so maybe that's the problem. If you have anysuggestions, please let me know.




The auction script does not touch product_listings nor any page where new_products.php is called. So your error is from elsewhere.

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Great contribution! Thanks!

I have a question: is it possible to disable the categories all together?

I mean that I only have the auctions in my shop?

Now I always have to create a category and from there I can take a product for an auction. But I really want to only have auctions.

I will try and translate the contribution in dutch. Which files do I have to translate?

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Great contribution! Thanks!

I have a question: is it possible to disable the categories all together?

I mean that I only have the auctions in my shop?

Now I always have to create a category and from there I can take a product for an auction. But I really want to only have auctions.


I suppose the easiest way would be to disable the menu, this way you would only have the auction link. Certainly not ideal though as there are many other link routes that would lead to a product where it could be purchased as standard.


I will try and translate the contribution in dutch. Which files do I have to translate?


That would be most welcome.


The language files are in includes/modules/auctions/languages/ and the admin equivalent.


Beware though that there may be some hardcoded language floating about.


This is still in beta but I've not been able to update the package due to lack of feedback .. I have part of a new version ready which ankurdhoom was helping to test but I've not heard for a while.

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I suppose the easiest way would be to disable the menu, this way you would only have the auction link. Certainly not ideal though as there are many other link routes that would lead to a product where it could be purchased as standard.




That would be most welcome.


The language files are in includes/modules/auctions/languages/ and the admin equivalent.


Beware though that there may be some hardcoded language floating about.


This is still in beta but I've not been able to update the package due to lack of feedback .. I have part of a new version ready which ankurdhoom was helping to test but I've not heard for a while.


But how can I disable the menu? When I remove the categories I can't add a product for an auction since that requires a category with a product in it. Maybe it is possible to disable the category from the frontend only?

I am finished with translating the files to dutch. I am testing a bit to see if it works all good.

Shall I send you the translated files or just upload them to your contri post?

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Maybe I can disable the categorybox with the STS system.

But is it possible to create categories in the auction products? Now you only can add an article for the auction.

But it would be easier if you first could create a category and then add the auction products or am I asking too much? :lol:

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I suppose the easiest way would be to disable the menu, this way you would only have the auction link. Certainly not ideal though as there are many other link routes that would lead to a product where it could be purchased as standard.




That would be most welcome.


The language files are in includes/modules/auctions/languages/ and the admin equivalent.


Beware though that there may be some hardcoded language floating about.


This is still in beta but I've not been able to update the package due to lack of feedback .. I have part of a new version ready which ankurdhoom was helping to test but I've not heard for a while.



Hello Sir, I am back....I was off sick for last few days.....I am very sorry for late feedback....


I installed your second version it is working awsom i have not found as such any error yet....what i will suggest now the time is to add some new features.....let me know your feedback on this....then we will start making wish list......


From my side if you change first version as per all my past feedbacks and you should go ahead and release Second (beta) version for AuctionTastic.....


I truly became your "Coding Fan" after working with you on this......




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Hi, having installed auctionTastic on osCommerce v2.2rc, the only problem I have is when I go to checkout_shipping.php. I get the error message: Notice: Undefined index: auction_id in C:\wamp\www\catalog\includes\classes\order.php on line 292. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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1.0 beta 2 has now been added to contributions:


I recommend all users upgrade as it has a host of bug fixes and changes.


Added feature:


If a user wins an auction and the auction product is added to their cart but they do not buy. Admin now has the option to delete the whole auction or to remove the winning bidder thereby making the second highest bidder the winner.


Please Note:


in includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php error_reporting is set to error_reporting(E_ALL) for the purposes of debugging.


osCommerce throws error notices with this setting, if you don't wish to see notices then comment out the line ..


//error_reporting(E_ALL) this should also be the case should auctionTastic be used on a live shop.

Edited by FWR Media
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1.0 beta 2 has now been added to contributions:


I recommend all users upgrade as it has a host of bug fixes and changes.


Added feature:


If a user wins an auction and the auction product is added to their cart but they do not buy. Admin now has the option to delete the whole auction or to remove the winning bidder thereby making the second highest bidder the winner.


Please Note:


in includes/modules/auctions/classes/oscAuctions.php error_reporting is set to error_reporting(E_ALL) for the purposes of debugging.


osCommerce throws error notices with this setting, if you don't wish to see notices then comment out the line ..


//error_reporting(E_ALL) this should also be the case should auctionTastic be used on a live shop.


Actually I'm going to reword that last bit as it sounds like it is auctionTastic outputting errors. :rolleyes:


auctionTastic to my knowledge is error free even error_reporting(E_ALL) HOWEVER osCommerce is not soooo if you leave error_reporting as debug mode E_ALL, osCommerce will output notices.

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