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I see that there's a way to implament phpbb into osc.... however.... I already have a working and active phpbb that I want to have users be able to use the same user name and password in both programs.... is that possible with out having to start everything from scratch again? (I don't mind having to start from scratch again with osc however phpbb has been going for a while.... and I've just gotten it moded and working the way I want it to as well as getting some user action on it.... like I said all I want to be able to do is provied visitors to my site with the ability to only have to use one username and password for the whole site....


is it possible?

and if so how?




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  • 1 year later...

I am in the same situation.. have phpBB up and running w/some regular users on a site I had pre-osc. I would love to be able to mesh the old forums and the new osc site if anybody has any ideas, I'd be most grateful!


Btw, thanks to all who post here regularly. I managed to get up and running, with a few contributions installed even, just by reading all the great info that's already here... never had to make a post!

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