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The e-commerce.

Hello everyone i just got oscommerce 2 days ago and....


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I think my site is comming out pretty good. I want to know how do i fix up the shipping info and privacy info pages. also when i want to go live how do i do it.




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Also how do i get my pictures looking smoother, my title looks all jaggy, i am using adobe photoshop 7




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Although your site is not visible, yet you can select Anti-Alias or smooth anti-alias whenever you draw a shape or marquee.


Hope that helps



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There are a few ways to make your site 'visible' to customers...


Some people just create a main index.html page with a link to the store.


Others create an index.html file and put a redirect in it.


I personally use .htaccess - http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/htaccess.shtml


I stuck

DirectoryIndex default.php

in my .htaccess file...which will automatically send all users to the default.php file





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I assume you are talking about the small squar button pictures being jaggedy. The are that way because you have uploaded the image for that product and it is a large image.. then the shop is telling the browser to only display them at a certain size (about 15% of their original).. it also doesn't help that they don't retain their aspect ratio.


Also, if you are going to be adding in the large image directly into the product description (I assume this is what you have done), then you should edit the product_info.php page to NOT display the smaller image that says "click to enlarge" it is a waste. I would suggest if you like adding the <img> tag into your description keep it that way.. but don't upload the large image as the product image during product creation in admin.. create a small thumbnail and they won't be as jagged and will make the site MUCH faster to view by customers.


Go to the contributions section and look at some of the pictures contribs.. there are several out there.. you might find some good help there.

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