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Virtual Merchant - Elavon, ViaKlix, Nova Payment Module Support Forum


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  • 6 months later...

Anyone have this working with OSCv2.3.4 ?


Trying to get this to work on 2.3.4 - I have the ergs to pregs in place.


There were a changes in catalog/checkout_success.php - It is redirecting as if no order existed. 


Any clues would be welcome.  (best to be using 2.3.4 as there are security issues fixed with it).


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have got this working on a fresh install of osc234.


i have yet to get it working on my osc234 site though.


i have all ereg to pregs except  line 241 in catalog/includes/modules/payment/chargeit.php

if (ereg ("(^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$|^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$)", $HTTP_POST_VARS['cvv_number']) == 1){

i have exam diffed(compared) all the pertinent files. 


i am tired and eyes are crossed-- tomorrow is a new day.


??????  thanks

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  • 4 weeks later...

zpupster - not forcing cookies  creates a security issue - too long to explain here - just read about it:




The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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  • 4 months later...

I have just installed this module to my 234 (bootstrap) store. I have done the ereg to preg edits.


A customer creates an order, and clicks on 'Check Out'. They progress through checkout_shipping, then to checkout_payment. They select the Credit Card payment option, and click on 'Continue'.


The customer is returned to checkout_payment with this error message:





Where is the customer supposed to enter their credit card information? What step am I missing?


Thanks in advance!




PS: Force Cookies is set to False

Edited by ArtcoInc
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First see my post above - I have it working with Force Cookies is set to True


The error message is from :





The java verification is bad policy (This should not be done this way - the check should be done in php to reduce the number of requirements/exploit problems )


You can try turning it off via MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_CVV_REQUIRED


There was a fix in the java - but I have a foggy memory that there might be more problems with it.


At one time I was going to upload a fixed version but it is closed to uploads.


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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Karl, thank you for your prompt reply!


I changed Force Cookies to 'True', and I received the same results. :(


What exactly is supposed to be the sequence for checkout? Where is the customer supposed to enter their card information? Is the customer supposed to be sent to another site for the payment processing, as is done with Paypal? If so, that's not happening here.



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With the assistance of @@xtronics , I now see that the fields where the customer is supposed to enter their c/c info are not being displayed.




Thus, with no c/c info entered, when the customer clicks 'Continue', of course they receive the error message.


I have looked through the code completely, and have double checked all of the edits. I can not find why this is not working. :wacko:


Can anyone point out where the code is that is supposed to display the c/c fields?


And, to repeat, I am using the Bootstrap version of osC (if that matters).


Thanks in advance!





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* Update *


I just installed this on a clean copy of the stock osC (without Bootstrap). Without testing any functionality, this at least displays the c/c fields




So, it seams that there is a conflict with this add-on and the Bootstrap version of osC. :blush:



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* Update *


Apparently the copy of checkout_payment.php I was using had some code missing. I have updated it with the code in the current osC Bootstrap version, and that is now all working.


Now, to get my settings at Elavon to work...





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* Observation *


Has anyone else experienced this?


When the user clicks on the radio button to select payment with a credit card, and then clicks in the fields to enter their name and c/c information, the radio button de-selects, forcing the user to select it again after entering their information?



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No - but it could be a java interaction (once again we should be using php or java - not both).  Try commenting out the java code and see if it goes away.


You should also probably be stating which browser and version you are using and test other browsers to get useful feedback.


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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You should also probably be stating which browser and version you are using and test other browsers to get useful feedback.


Tested using:


Internet Explorer 11

Firefox 39

Chrome 44


All three give the same results.


* Update *


Even with the above issue, I am continuing with my testing. I realize that the following error:

Credit Card Error 
The card entered is being declined. This most often is due to incorrectly entered information. Please try re-entering your information.

is a generic error message, and I need to check the debug email(s) to find out why it failed.



First, I received the following error debug email:

Error Message(s): 4002. HTTP Trans Not Allowed. HTTP POST transactions are not allowed.

Even though the instructions state:

(In your Virtual Merchant advanced configuration files set "Enable HTTP Transactions" to checked. ...)

I could find no such setting. I phoned Elavon this morning, and was told that I could not make that change, and they would have to do that for me (which they did).



So, with that addressed, I try another test purchase. This one is also declined, and the error debug email states:

Error Message(s): 4009. Required Field Not Supplied. The field Sales Tax (ssl-salestax) required but not supplied in the authorizing request.

Progress, I think, but ....










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In case anyone else is installing this on the Bootstrap version of osC, the problem I had with entering the c/c information deselecting the payment choice had been discussed before in another thread ...




and a patch had been found ...




Now, on to the missing ssl-salestax information ....



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* Update *


Success! :) :lol: B) :P :thumbsup: :D (w00t)


To resolve the sales tax error, I needed to log into my Virtual Merchant account. Once there, in the main screen, across the top of the screen, there are three menu choices: User, Account Settings, and Terminal. Hover over 'Terminal'. A drop-down menu will appear. Hover over 'Merchant', and another drop-down menu will appear. Click on 'Payment Fields'. Here, you can select and de-select what fields are required. In my case, I had to set Sales Tax to 'Not Required'.





Edited by ArtcoInc
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have this installed and working on my site. Customers are able to place order, their c/c is being processed, and we're getting paid. :thumbsup:


One concern/issue, though ...


Is this module supposed to write anything to the cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, cc_expires fields in the Orders table? It's not saving anything there for me.





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If you are using a recent version of osC  then the includes/classes/order.php file will not record anything in those fields - e.g. 2.3.4 and 2.3.4BS have these at line 218/221

                          'cc_type' => '',
                          'cc_owner' => '',
                          'cc_number' => '',
                          'cc_expires' => '',

so you'll always get empty data.


If you change those lines to this you'll get a record

                          'cc_type' => $_POST['cc_type'],
                          'cc_owner' => $_POST['cc_owner'],
                          'cc_number' => $_POST['cc_number'],
                          'cc_expires' => $_POST['cc_expires'],

However that could land you in a world of pain as storing the cc_number in its entirety is most likely a hanging offence in most of the Western World nowadays so you should obfuscate that in some manner e.g. I think this should get you a card number like 4111XXXXXXXX1234 for storage but best check

                          'cc_type' => $_POST['cc_type'],
                          'cc_owner' => $_POST['cc_owner'],
                          'cc_number' => substr($_POST['cc_number'], 0, 4) . str_repeat('X', (strlen($_POST['cc_number']) - 8)) . substr($_POST['cc_number'], -4);
                          'cc_expires' => $_POST['cc_expires'],
Edited by Bob Terveuren
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This is what I would do for temporary use...do do a nightly/weekly script to clean it out though...


In checkout_process...

                          'cc_type' => $order->info['cc_type'],
                          'cc_owner' => $order->info['cc_owner'],
                          'cc_number' => tep_mysql_encode($order->info['cc_number']),
                          'cc_expires' => $order->info['cc_expires'],
                          'cvvnumber' => tep_mysql_encode($order->info['cvvnumber']),

The tep_mysql_encode function...

// Return an encoded value from a database query
// 03/18/08 changed from xxxxx to yyyyy ttl
// 01/20/15 updated to aes crypt function...ttl
  function tep_mysql_encode($p_number) {
    if (tep_not_null($p_number)) {
      $p_number = str_replace (" ", "", $p_number);
      $encode_query = tep_db_query("select aes_encrypt($p_number, '" . DB_ENCRYPT . "') as p_number");
      $encode_number = tep_db_fetch_array($encode_query);
      $e_number = $encode_number['p_number'];
    } else {
      $e_number = null;
    return $e_number;

In configure.php...

  define('DB_ENCRYPT', 'a very long key...'); //sha2 AES key...

Ref., http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/encryption-functions.html


so if you store these data they are for the least encrypted in the db level...

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  • 3 months later...

We have been using this payment module for several months now, and we are able to process credit cards properly. However, I have found a small issue ...


We have three payment options: credit card (this module), phone with credit card (where the customer places the order through the web site, and phones us with their c/c info), and Paypal. The issue is: twice we have had someone fill in their c/c info into the fields for the c/c payment option, but then accidentally click on the 'phone with credit card' choice. We now have to contact the customer, explain what happened, and ask for their c/c info. Not a good way to build customer confidence.


Ideally, what I would like is .... since I am using the Bootstrap version of osC, I'd like a Bootstrap Modal to pop open when the customer selects the c/c payment choice, and they would enter their c/c info within the Modal. If they select any other payment choice, the Modal would close.


I do not know if the Java verification would work within a Bootstrap Modal, but ...


Any thoughts?



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  • 3 years later...

Would anybody happen to have a working copy of that they could send me?

I am taking the giant step of converting my ancient osCommerce 2.2-MS2 site to a new CE BS Frozen version and this payment module is integral to my business

any help would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance

Jim Bullen - President

The Cigar Hut Group of Companies


still using these installed 2.3x add-ons: 

PWA, MVS, Easy Populate, Dynamic Sitemap, Featured Products, MVS Order Editor, MVS Shipping Estimator, Google XML Sitemap, About Us, Ad Tracker, Address Enhancer, Also Purchased, Backorders, Category Descriptions, Dynamic Meta Tags, Contact Us Email Subjects, Country state Selector, Extra Address Line, Order Number in Email Subject, OSC Affiliate, Product Extra Fields, Review Approval System, Reviews in Product Display, Sold Out, Sold Out (but Displayed), Ultimate SEO URL's, Updated Spiders, Welcome Email Password, Pending Order Email, Who's Online Enhancement, CCGV, Easy Discounts, Customer Comments, Request a Review, Sales Report, plus many many more!

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