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Virtual Merchant - Elavon, ViaKlix, Nova Payment Module Support Forum


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I think I have a new question not yet answered.


I have been trying to set up the One Page Checkout contrib to streamline the checkout process. That contrib claims to be compatible with pretty much any payment gateway/module... but yours seems to be the exception!


Your contrib works fine when using the standard checkout system but when using the OPC system, OPC returns an error:

"There was an error setting payment method, please inform IT Web Experts about this error."


Now, I know, i should contact them, which I have, but have gotten no response as of yet.


Their OPC contrib works fine with paypal and googlecheckout, and even runs fine when using the "testing" credit card payment option that's part of osCommerce...



I'm wondering what about your contrib would be different from say, the paypal and google ones, that would make this OPC contrib have issues "communicating."


I inherited this website, and thought perhaps there was a problem in the way my predecessor installed Chargeit, but after reading your install instructions 15 times, I have everything right.


Thanks for your time, if I can provide any information that will enhance your ability to assist me, pleaseeeee let me know.



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Error Message(s): 4003. HTTP Referrer Invalid. HTTP POST transactions are not allowed for this HTTP Referrer.

This could be a setup issue with VirtualMerchant. Do you have Internet transactions enabled on your account. Often this error will come up when your account is only setup for MOTO.


when this function calls i tried to see values of response by adding "print_r($response);die;" but its gives empty

array. I am stuck here please help.

In the function msgResultTests() below the following code segment:

if (array_key_exists('dccoption', $this->responseAry)) { // If the dccoption key exists then credit card info was valid.

$this->internationalOrder = 1; // Tag as an international order

$this->sendDCC(); // Submit exchange rate and dcc admin options.



Put the following code:

print_r($this->testAry); die();


So it should read:


if (array_key_exists('dccoption', $this->responseAry)) { // If the dccoption key exists then credit card info was valid.

$this->internationalOrder = 1; // Tag as an international order

$this->sendDCC(); // Submit exchange rate and dcc admin options.






This will print out results.

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I have been trying to set up the One Page Checkout contrib to streamline the checkout process.

My contrib uses some of its own routines, which is why it probably is not compatible with the One Page Checkout contrib. My contrib targeted some routines in osC that I felt were lacking and improved them. I am not familiar with the One Page Checkout contrib. If I had more time I could troubleshoot this for you, but I don't right now. Sorry I can't be more help, but it was designed to work with the standard osC checkout system.

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This could be a setup issue with VirtualMerchant. Do you have Internet transactions enabled on your account. Often this error will come up when your account is only setup for MOTO.



In the function msgResultTests() below the following code segment:



Put the following code:

print_r($this->testAry); die();


So it should read:




This will print out results.

Hi Zelf thanks for reply.

The problem is with "Internet transactions enable" in merchant account.

After enabling it in merchant account,it gives error :

"Error Message(s): 4009. Required Field Not Supplied. The field Sales Tax (ssl_salestax) required but not supplied in the authorization request."


so then I added one lin in chargeit.php

in function before_process()

first I add $currencies object in "global $_POST, $order;"


then I add one line for ssl_salestax

first I find this code

$this->submit_data = array (

// Transaction settings

ssl_merchant_id => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_ACCOUNT_ID, // The login name as assigned to you by Virtual Merchant

ssl_user_id => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_USER_ID, // The login name you setup for your automated web transaction user

ssl_pin => MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_PIN, // The pin that was auto assigned to this new user

ssl_transaction_type => 'CCSALE',

ssl_show_form => 'FALSE', // Process transaction directly

ssl_result_format => 'ASCII', // DO NOT CHANGE. The formatting type for result messages from Virtual Merchant


// Transaction Info

ssl_amount => number_format($order->info['total'], 2),


after this I add one line


ssl_salestax => number_format($order->info['tax'] * $currencies->get_value('USD'), 2, '.',','),



after that It runs successfully in test mode. Now I will try for production mode.


So zelf if I have done anything wrong then plz reply me.


Thanks again for your support.

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Zelf, could you be retained for a fee to assist in integrating this with the OPC Module we're experiencing difficulties with? Or would it be better to contact the developers of OPC? (They already sort of gave up on assisting, as well.)




Is there a source for programmers that have experience with this sort of thing?

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  • 4 weeks later...

we just moved this site from another hosting company and now we are having problems with the VM not working. I have check both ends and everything is correct ie: passwords, pin numbers and the like. When I get the error email there are NO errors reported. The orders aren't even making it to the Virtual Merchant.


Customer ID #321

[email protected]

Jerry Henline

United States


Error Message(s):

Address Verification Response:

CVV2 Verification Response:


Talked with VM tech support and because they are not getting anything on their end they are not willing to help...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

DCC how to issues:


I got them to turn on DCC, but the payment fields Cardholder Amount, Cardholder Currency, and Conversion Rate are missing from the order section of the Payment field setup. There is a way to add them - but that involves even more setup options:




This leads me to two key questions:


Do we need to create theses Payment Fields in the VM Payment Fields setup?


If so what should the settings be in add_payment_field? (I'm thinking that these settings mostly control what happens if one is using the VM website to manually enter an order?)





Also - how do we test DCC? there isn't a special test card number. What will we see if it is working?

Edited by xtronics


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the module.


I created a new OScommerce install to test the module, and followed your clear install instructions meticulously. The sales are not being sent to Elavon. I've added the referrer and triple checked the three ID#s. No error messages. Am I missing something?


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Now receiving an error message:



Credit Card Error


The card entered is being declined. This most often is due to incorrectly entered information. Please try re-entering your information. For help processing this order call customer service at XXXXXXXXXX and we will quickly process your order.

Name & Expiration Date Entered: name- Expiration Date Entered: #### (MMYY)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for producing this module. I had been using the viaKlix module and I recently received a letter from Elavon indicating that they will will be discontinuing viaKlix in June. After calling Elavon to activate a VirtualMerchant account for me, I installed this VirtualMerchant module on a test site to confirm that it works as advertised. After a couple of minor details were adjusted, it seems to be working properly.


Since this is fresh in my mind, I thought I'd point out a couple of issues and/or suggestions for improvement.


- After you get the files in place and go to the admin control panel to activate the Virtual Merchant module, the title for the module is shown as "Credit Card: (MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_CC_ACCEPTED)". I recognized the all-caps identifier as one that should have been defined so I thought that I had made an error when putting the files in place. After some searching about, I realized that the reason that MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_CC_ACCEPTED was undefined was because the module hadn't yet been installed. It may be useful to modify the code slightly so that the entry in the module list does not include the undefined identifier prior to the module being installed.


- I saw the list of fields on the first page of this support thread so I went to my VirtualMerchant login and verified that all of the entries were present. On my first test charge (using the production server) I got an error code back. Since I had set up the email for transaction errors, I shortly received an email indicating that ssl_salestax was required but not present in the post. I had overlooked the fact that status for ssl_salestax is 'required' by default but is listed as not required in the field list. It might be a good idea to include the field list in the installation instructions and to point out that one should confirm that the required/not required status is set as indicated.


- I did not enable DCC so I didn't bother to try to add the fields ssl_cardholder_amount, ssl_cardholder_currency and ssl_conversion_rate. Consequently, I didn't have the problem that others have had as noted in other posts in this thread. It is probably worthwhile to add a note to the installation instructions to the effect that those fields aren't needed if DCC isn't enabled.


- I would also be worthwhile noting in the installation instructions that the "Order ID" field must be manually added. Unless Elavon changes the defaults and the standard fields, the only changes that need to be made are to add the "Order ID" field and to change the status of the "Sales Tax" field from required to not required.


Portland, OR USA

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A note of caution is in order for anyone converting from the viaKlix contribution to this one. The viaKlix contribution does not store the cardholder information in the osC orders database but this VirtualMerchant contribution does. Storing the cardholder information will make it very difficult (perhaps impossible) to get PCI compliance certification.


I haven't looked carefully at the source for the two contributions to discover how the viaKlix contribution is avoiding storing the information. I suspect, however, that it is not putting the information in POST variables. It could be that the VirtualMerchant contribution won't work without the cardholder information being placed in POST variables. I didn't try to fix the problem that way. Rather, I modified checkout_process.php so that it no longer places the cardholder information in the array used to create the new record in the orders database.


Unfortunately, I can't easily describe how to make such a change because my osC is heavily modified. That said, you can load up checkout_process.php and look for this code sequence:

                          'cc_type' => $order->info['cc_type'], 
                         'cc_owner' => $order->info['cc_owner'], 
                         'cc_number' => $order->info['cc_number'], 
                         'cc_expires' => $order->info['cc_expires'], 
                         'date_purchased' => 'now()', 
                         'orders_status' => $order->info['order_status'], 
                         'currency' => $order->info['currency'], 
                         'currency_value' => $order->info['currency_value']);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $sql_data_array);


Once you find that, change it so that it looks like this:

//                          'cc_type' => $order->info['cc_type'], 
//                          'cc_owner' => $order->info['cc_owner'], 
//                          'cc_number' => $order->info['cc_number'], 
//                          'cc_expires' => $order->info['cc_expires'], 
                         'cc_type' => '', 
                         'cc_owner' => '', 
                         'cc_number' => '', 
                         'cc_expires' => '', 
                         'date_purchased' => 'now()', 
                         'orders_status' => $order->info['order_status'], 
                         'currency' => $order->info['currency'], 
                         'currency_value' => $order->info['currency_value']);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $sql_data_array);


As you can see, this "fixes" the problem by storing empty strings instead of the cardholder information. You could modify the code so that it avoids storing only the cc number. I chose to remove all cardholder information because I plan to eventually delete those columns from my database.


I would highly recommend that zelf modify this contribution to make the storing of cardholder information optional or just avoid it altogether.

Edited by dkinzer


Portland, OR USA

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The viaKlix contribution does not store the cardholder information in the osC orders database but this VirtualMerchant contribution does. Storing the cardholder information will make it very difficult (perhaps impossible) to get PCI compliance certification.


Serious issue - BUT I took a look at my actual data base and this is not stored? Can someone else confirm this?


Could be one of your mods is storing the CC number - I don't think OSC did with out being modified.


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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Could be one of your mods is storing the CC number - I don't think OSC did with out being modified.
I think not. Does your checkout_process.php have the lines that I showed which clearly provide data for the cardholder information columns of the database? I haven't looked in detail at any of the CC payment modules other than this one and the viaKlix module but I have read that the generic CC payment module does store cardholder information and I thought that I read that the authorize.net module does as well.


In any event, if you have no data in the cardholder information columns of the orders database then you're in good shape. I was shocked to find the data there in my orders database and took steps to remove it and prevent it from happening in the future.


Portland, OR USA

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In any event, if you have no data in the cardholder information columns of the orders database then you're in good shape. I was shocked to find the data there in my orders database and took steps to remove it and prevent it from happening in the future.


I have looked at the database dump - the columns exist in my data base - they have no data for any transaction. I'm pretty sure those columns were added with a contribution.


One saves a lot of headaches by not storing any such information (IMHO PCI exists to push the responsibility back onto the merchant - instead of fixing 1960's technology).


The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation

of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a
temporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.
Ernest Hemingway

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Everything my mastercards, and amexs work. Tried three visa and all give errors. Does anyone have a clue why this could be or where I should look for fix?


I was able to put through a visa on the VM site so this is something with the contribution. I was installed by two different developers on 4 different sites, all have same issues.



AMEX, Visa, MC, and Discover work perfectly in this module. Would be pretty ridiculous to release a credit card module that did not accept Visa. Something must be wrong with your installation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i contacted elavon to ask if theres an option to have any mismatches to automatically decline and have the customer re input the information on the oscommerce site, however they told me that its on the developers end to somehow code it where if any address digit or zip code number is off that it will decline and not process until the correct information is inputted. I was wondering if this is something that can be easily implemented?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for producing this module. I had been using the viaKlix module and I recently received a letter from Elavon indicating that they will will be discontinuing viaKlix in June. After calling Elavon to activate a VirtualMerchant account for me, I installed this VirtualMerchant module on a test site to confirm that it works as advertised. After a couple of minor details were adjusted, it seems to be working properly.


Since this is fresh in my mind, I thought I'd point out a couple of issues and/or suggestions for improvement.


- After you get the files in place and go to the admin control panel to activate the Virtual Merchant module, the title for the module is shown as "Credit Card: (MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_CC_ACCEPTED)". I recognized the all-caps identifier as one that should have been defined so I thought that I had made an error when putting the files in place. After some searching about, I realized that the reason that MODULE_PAYMENT_CHARGEIT_CC_ACCEPTED was undefined was because the module hadn't yet been installed. It may be useful to modify the code slightly so that the entry in the module list does not include the undefined identifier prior to the module being installed.


- I saw the list of fields on the first page of this support thread so I went to my VirtualMerchant login and verified that all of the entries were present. On my first test charge (using the production server) I got an error code back. Since I had set up the email for transaction errors, I shortly received an email indicating that ssl_salestax was required but not present in the post. I had overlooked the fact that status for ssl_salestax is 'required' by default but is listed as not required in the field list. It might be a good idea to include the field list in the installation instructions and to point out that one should confirm that the required/not required status is set as indicated.


- I did not enable DCC so I didn't bother to try to add the fields ssl_cardholder_amount, ssl_cardholder_currency and ssl_conversion_rate. Consequently, I didn't have the problem that others have had as noted in other posts in this thread. It is probably worthwhile to add a note to the installation instructions to the effect that those fields aren't needed if DCC isn't enabled.


- I would also be worthwhile noting in the installation instructions that the "Order ID" field must be manually added. Unless Elavon changes the defaults and the standard fields, the only changes that need to be made are to add the "Order ID" field and to change the status of the "Sales Tax" field from required to not required.


I want to thank you for your posts regarding installing the Virtual Merchant contribution. I also am currently running with ViaKlix and got the same change notice. I have a question regarding your install. Did you uninstall the ViaKlix contribution prior to installing the VM? You also mention adding the "Order ID" field when making this install. I know enough to be dangerous and it would go a long way if you could show me the code that did this. Thanks in advance for your reply.

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You also mention adding the "Order ID" field when making this install. I know enough to be dangerous and it would go a long way if you could show me the code that did this.
There is no code involved. This operation is done at the VirtualMerchant site after you log in as a client.


Portland, OR USA

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