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Remove or Hide date added to catalog?


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Greetings, I'm developing a site for a client -- an artist who doesn't change the designs often.


Therefore having the "This product was added to our catalog on..." information on every product will necessitate replacing the entire catalog periodically. Not something I relish doing.


I realize this information is needed for the "new product" function, but is there any way to remove it from the product listing or just hide it from view? I've searched through the interface and all the code files and can't find it anywhere.


I am comfortable tweaking the php files -- have been doing that since this project started. This is one of the final steps I need to do.


Thanks in advance for any input you may have!

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Greetings, I'm developing a site for a client -- an artist who doesn't change the designs often.


Therefore having the "This product was added to our catalog on..." information on every product will necessitate replacing the entire catalog periodically. Not something I relish doing.


I realize this information is needed for the "new product" function, but is there any way to remove it from the product listing or just hide it from view? I've searched through the interface and all the code files and can't find it anywhere.


I am comfortable tweaking the php files -- have been doing that since this project started. This is one of the final steps I need to do.


Thanks in advance for any input you may have!



You don't really need that line for anything. I don't remember what file it's in, but this thread should tell you how to remove "date added".


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