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Confirmation error message.


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I can seem to find where the problem is but when I confirm my order I get this error message:


1146 - Table 'autorelm_catalog.paypalipn_txn' doesn't exist


select o.orders_status,p.* from orders o LEFT JOIN paypalipn_txn p on p.item_number = o.orders_id AND o.customers_id = '2' order by o.date_purchased desc limit 1




I have turned off paypal as an option and it still will come up with this error page, but it will confirm the order and put the order in my order box.

If anybody could help that would be great.

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Did you install the paypalIPN module ??


It sounds like you didn't import the SQL file that comes with paypal IPN module properly into your database.


I would check your database, and see if those tables are in there. If not, and you've attempted to install paypal IPN, sounds like you forgot to run the SQL...

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