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Product Notifications mess up Search-Engine Safe URLS


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Dear Colleagues,


on completion of the checkout process, the customer may select the products to be notified about.


Now, this $notify_string in this line of checkout_success.php



    tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string, 'SSL'));


seems to mess up the search-engine safe urls to something like:



That, obviously, is not so nice.

Does anyone have an idea how this could be fixed?

Thanks in advance!




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Thanks Linda.


Yes, I've tried that. Yes, it works but, to be frank, I really value the idea of having search-engine safe urls.


Would there be a way to bypass the 'safe' features for this page/link only?


Thanks so far!





(Christian, I'll do the bug report.)

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change the line that you listed. This will work for this link and any other links that use the tep_href_link()


as long as your version of html_output.php contains the last parameter ''$search_engine_safe = true"


tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string, 'SSL', '', 'false'));

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Thanx Hobbzilla!


Sounded like an easy enough fix. I't didn't quite do it for me, though.


Instead of this URL



I know get this one:



Equally unsuitable.

There is one little side-effect: Since I tried your fix, I can't work in Search-Engine UN-Safe mode anymore. It seems to strip als osCIDs of the urls. I only made that one change... It's a bit frightening. Any idea?


I am still grateful for comments!



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Think I figured it out:


(Thanks to Hobbzillas jumpstarting):


The string needs to be:

tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $notify_string, 'NONSSL', 'true', ''));


Just got it by playing around. Doesn't make a lot of logical sense to me, but works.

That's what counts for me at the moments.

Thanks for your help! :P


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Well, I guess I should have tried it before posting my suggestion! :)


Glad you found out a solution..


I (currently) have a cookie only site.. & my solution did work for me..

for anyone else reading this..

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