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The e-commerce.

I've got a trouble


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I installed this contribution in a a developer system, when I tried to make a pdf catalog obtain this response

Warning: getimagesize: Unable to open '..//nueva_lidertel/oscommerce/catalog/images/nokia3210-2.jpg' for reading. in c:inetpubwwwrootnueva_liderteloscommerceadminfpdf.php on line 1418

FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: ..//nueva_lidertel/oscommerce/catalog/images/nokia3210-2.jpg

Where is the place to config the path to the catalog images, I think that is bad configurated, but I don't know where is this in the code.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The error I'm getting is:

FPDF error: Unsupported image file type: //images/

All of the product images are in .jpg format ???


Not sure about the double / "//images/

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Come on some one must have/be able to sort this out

I really love this contrib and I've tried for countless hours trying to get it to work with images.

I'm obviously not an experienced php wizard, but at least I try.


Thanks in advance

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Teejay let me know if you find out something


Mine worked fine until I added more to the cart now it has stopped working with unsupported images, all are jpeg.


FPDF error: Unsupported image file type: /images/


don't know why

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The error I'm getting is:

FPDF error: Unsupported image file type: //images/

All of the product images are in .jpg format ???


Not sure about the double / "//images/


I get this same error :(


I hope someone can locate the cause. I have tried to no avail. I even e-mailed the author but he hasn't replied.

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I've not yet found a solution, though I did solve the path problem "//images"


In the pdf_catalog script look for $imagepath=

what follows this tells the script the path to your image (it is set to "../" . by default.

look at the whole line and replace the "../" with the path to your root/images ie.



Even when the script is pointing to the correct location it still says that the image are of the incorrect format.

I can only assume that there are different types of jpg and the script can see the difference ?????


in the meanwhile I have had to swith the images off in the contirbutions config file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys


I am just finishing updating the PDF Catalog to fix the problem with the images but to also make it more integrated with the admin tool so that you can decide what to include in the catalog without having to edit the config file each time.


Also there were some duplicate functions in there which I have removed and it was not calculating the prices properly when you wanted to use anything other than your stores default currency.


I should be able to upload a revised contrib in the next few days.

Mark Evans

osCommerce Monkey & Lead Guitarist for "Sparky + the Monkeys" (Album on sale in all good record shops)



Software is like sex: It's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



I just installed this contribution today and have solved these problems for me. I did the following and the errors disappeared;


1 - Make directory catalog/catalogues chmod 777


2 - In admin/fpdf.php changed line 1023 from








3 - In admin/pdfcatalogue.php changed following lines




$destination ="../".DIR_WS_CATALOG."catalogues/";


$destination = DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'catalogues/';






$imagepath= DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $print_catalog_array[$j]['image'];






$imagepath= DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_new_array[$nb]['image'];






$pdf->Output( DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'catalogues/catalog_' . $languages[$i]['id'].".pdf",false);



Hope this helps someone out - it's a nice contrib



Clint :wink:

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I just got pdf_catalog working but it put it so many <BR> in the list of features making it take up two pages for one product.


Anyway to adjust how many products are on one page?


Also is there a way to have the store logo on each page?



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