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The e-commerce.

Payment Type Charge v1.8


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Hi peoples,

So has anyone found out the problem with this awesome contribution, about the total showing up correctly on the oscommerce checkout page, but not showing the fee on payment sites like paypal etc?

I have my self the same problem.

I so far cannot find the answer anywhere.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
You should better use the follwing contribution:



It works very well (I have it on my website) ;)


I can't get it to work. I have the percentage set to 3, but in the order summary confirmation it is always 0.00. Anybody else get this?



Hi All,


How can the code be changed to accept negative values such as -5 or -10%


This then will lead to a deduction in price based on the above values.






That's done in admin. There's a box for it in the right sidebar when you click edit.

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  • 9 months later...

Does anyone use this module together with Order Editor? I have also used the aforementioned "Payment Type Charge" module, which works for me to add a fixed fee to COD shipments - but when I modify an order with Order Editor the value of that fixed charge is ignored in its recalc (and thus incorrect grand total).


I will probably patch out and install this recommended module. Comments are appreciated!


Best regards,




I can't get it to work. I have the percentage set to 3, but in the order summary confirmation it is always 0.00. Anybody else get this?





That's done in admin. There's a box for it in the right sidebar when you click edit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all I could not find the add-on contribution riverknight is referring to.

Can someone give a link to what riverknight was referring to so I can checkout it. Err check it out.


Instead I installed Discount-or-payment-surcharge-v1.1.nl


Oh jeez! Now I realise why the Admin module was in double dutch! I'll go look to see if I can find the Engrish version.


Meanwhile, I hope the calculation of the English version is a lil bit better. I put in 5.00 % in the admin, and it just add's $5.00 to the total. :huh:


Also, I think my php compiler must have failed math's because it calculates 10% GST of $276.75 as $27.00 :blink:


Back to the drawing bored!

I'm fluent in gibberish. I've been reading gibberish since 1982.

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