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Tax on Shipping not working..


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I'm trying to get orders to get taxed on the shipping as well as the subtotal.


In my order total module, i've got

subtotal = 1

shipping = 2

tax = 3

total = 4


I'm using the per-item shipping module.


Am i missing something here...? Orders need to be taxed on shipping for this cart.




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Is it a definate that you need the tax to be shown on the subtotal. The can see the tax on the shipping without having to actually buy, and if there not form your state than it really doesn't matter for the tax to be shown on the subtotal.

Do you need to have the per item module, if not there are a bunch of forums on this subject trust me I spent about 6 hours reading different one until I figured it out myself.

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Washington state tax laws say that shipping is a service and must be taxed. I went round and round with a customer one time, so I called the Dept. of Revenue and asked them and the above is what they said.


This is strange that it won't add tax to shipping. I have mine setup just as you do and it works just fine. Strange. Maybe it has something to do with the release date of the snap??



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Hehe..another washingtonian -


Canada is the same..they want tax on shipping. I'm setting up this cart for someone up in toronto.


Guess i'll go play with it some more. Maybe deactivating the module and then reactivating.


Its from a recent build - 12/31/02

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Ok, in case anyone else ever searches for the answer:


I deactivated all the modules in order total, then re-activated them.


It works now...Although it doesnt show the tax on the shipping separately.


I get:



Gst Tax

Pst Tax



However, once you look at the order in admin, you can clearly see it has charged tax properly.

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