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Hello, I am new to OSC and wondering if anyone could please answer a few questions for me.


Question 1. Is it possible to change the look and feel of our OSC sites, ie: change background colors and the buynow buttons, etc. I have a site set up with an Irish theme for our gift business and want the osc pages to flow with the same theme. If it is possible, do I just FTP the osc pages into my html editor and make the necessary changes, or does OSC have to make the changes for me.


Question 2. I discovered that after all the go arounds back and forth with my host provider tech support getting me switched over to a plan that has the osc that osc does not offer my merchant gateway as one of its payment options...does anyone know how I can get in touch with the necessary people at OSC to see about adding the gateway option, (fyi my merchant gateway is SecurePay.com)


Thank you in advance for any and all help.

Kimberlea, Co-Owner and Webmistress

LadyIrish3 - Gifts from the Heart

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Question 1. Is it possible to change the look and feel of our OSC sites, ie: change background colors and the buynow buttons, etc. I have a site set up with an Irish theme for our gift business and want the osc pages to flow with the same theme. If it is possible, do I just FTP the osc pages into my html editor and make the necessary changes, or does OSC have to make the changes for me.


Absolutely. The best place to start looking is at http://www.oscdox.org/. For samples and site critiques, look no further than here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=14


Question 2. I discovered that after all the go arounds back and forth with my host provider tech support getting me switched over to a plan that has the osc that osc does not offer my merchant gateway as one of its payment options...does anyone know how I can get in touch with the necessary people at OSC to see about adding the gateway option, (fyi my merchant gateway is SecurePay.com)


Check the contributions on this site. Your gateway may alread be supported: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ions/category,1


Otherwise post a request in the contributions section asking for help. Your payment gateway may also support emulations via another gateway module. For example, blue financial emulates authorize.net.


Good luck!

Ryan Thrash

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