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The e-commerce.

product price but without the tax


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I have put prices on my os commerce site and for somereason when the product is viewed the tax is also included in the price. Now i want the pre-tax price to be displayed. And have the tax added in the shopping cart instead. How do i go about this? I live in Ontario so of course there's PST and GST. and how do i have it so that when someone in BC buys something the PST for that cpuntry is added and not the Ontario PST?

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/catalog/includes/application_top.php find the entry about line 154:


define('DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX', false); // Display prices with tax (true) or without tax (false)


Yours should say true, change it to false.


Two suggestions.


1. Go to http://www.oscdox.com and get the manual.

2. Please search the forums before asking a question, this one has been answered a thousand times.



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