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Help with Unlink-command, please


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Good evening!!!


I'm trying to code an extension to mo_pics or big_image.

I am trying to check for duplicates and delete all subimages associated to a deleted product.

As I'm also using a image-resize contribution, I'm having to delete an additional set of subimages with the name: 'imagename-dimensions.jpg' (eg. keyboard-80x100.jpg) I assumed, I might be the easiest to use a wildcard expression to delete the fieles beginning with the full 'filename'.


How do I express this wildcard, though?



  if ($duplicate_image['total'] < 2) { 

     if (file_exists(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $product_image['products_image%'])) { 

       @unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $product_image['products_image%']); 




The '%' didn't help! Do you have any ideas?

I would love to listen to you wisdom; criticism and alternative ideas are also appreciated.





Thanks for that answer.


Do you have any idea where I'd put the characters?


@unlink(DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $product_image???['products_image???']); 



I've been thinking (bad idea): Is it possible at all?

$product_image might translate into (e.g.) 'imagename.jpg' if I now add a wildcard to $procuct_image or the field products_image, it will add the wildcard after the file-extension. Am I right? (imagename.jpg*)

We wan the wildcard here: 'Imagename*.jpg. Possibly, we'd have to strip the output of the '.*' (the extension part) firs, then add the wildcard and the extension again.

Uuuuuh! That's getting spooky!


Can you help?




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