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Google Base, Connector PROBLEMS! Big Time


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so i've been at this for 2 weeks now here's my problem with each:


Google Base Store Connector:

Wont' work no matter what, it just wont connect, and there is nothing special about my store.


Google Base Data Feed

Its my first time uploading the data feed so i thought I would test it

out with only ten products. I've uploaded it now 7 times, but it keeps

giving me this error "Data feed upload failed. No items are live" and

on details in keeps telling me "We recommend including this

attribute." (weight, upc, mpn, isbn, condition, brand) it also keeps

saying "The item is missing a required attribute." when i know nothing

is missing.


for the life of me, i can't figure this out. i'v been at this for a 2 weeks now.


someone please help me.


this is the errors it keeps giving me.... i have no idea how to fix it.



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The error in your file is that the feed is not picking up the product id number.


Are you using the Googlefeeder contrib?


When you run it, are you typing in...www.yoursite.com/admin/googlefeeder.php? Or, are you doing something else?

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The error in your file is that the feed is not picking up the product id number.


Are you using the Googlefeeder contrib?


When you run it, are you typing in...www.yoursite.com/admin/googlefeeder.php? Or, are you doing something else?


nope im not using the google feed contrib. i'm just using an excel file which i then convert to text tab delimitted file.

headers: title, description, link, image_link, price


should i put a porduct id in it too?

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Yes, you have to. It's a required attribute for products listed in Googlebase. Your feeds will be rejected without it.

The following are all of the required attributes:








Click Here for more info on what's required and additional attributes you can use.


Life would be much easier if you installed the Googlefeeder contrib. It's a small contrib and will enable you to just type in a URL in your browser, hit enter and be done with it. It generates your feed and uploads it to Googlebase all at once.


- Andrea

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ok, thanks for that.


iv always known about the google feeder contribution, but scripting has always intimidated me.

but i think i managed to install it properly.


my only concern now, i went to uploads.google.com and i can't see feed file there? how long does it take it to show?

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Go to www.base.google.com


Sign in with your user ID and password


Your items should be showing if all went well, if not...click on Data Feeds and see what's there. If it's Processing or Rejected.

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