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The e-commerce.

cross priced attributes : how to deal with them ?


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Context :

integrate 300 statues in an existing oscommerce install (stock%attributes already installed)

attribute size : around 50 values

attribute color : around 10 values

Each statue is available in at least one color and at least ten sizes.


Example :

__natural color

____6 cm 6EUR

____12cm 12 EUR

____20cm 20 EUR

____30 cm 45 EUR

__stained color

____6cm 10 EUR

____12cm 20 EUR

____20cm 30 EUR

____30cm 45 EUR

____40cm 60 EUR


Prices are fakes, the idea being that each size/color combination has its price.


I tried several ways :

- one ID/product per statue, attribute color + attribute size. ie product 'FooStatue' att 6cm att stained.

the problem is 'each size/color combination has its price'. The 6cm stained may be 4 eur more than 6cm naturel, but the 12cm stained is 8 EUR more than 12 cm, so I found no way to display the correct price to the customer.

- one ID/product per statue-color, attribute size. ie product 'FooStatue-natural' att (x)cm , product 'FooStatue-stained' att (x)cm, etc.

That makes a lot of products (around 1000 references). Besides images are not available for all statue-color combination (there is a fallback image).

- another possibility could be : one ID/product per statue, attribute (size+color). ie attribute 'variation', values ('natura-20cm','natural-30cm', etc.).

That would make an awful lot of attributes values (I'm guessing around 3000 to cover each color-size combination). Besides, we don't intend to sell all references, but mostly the bigger (size) ones, which will be difficult to sort with a composite attribute.


Any ideas or magical contributions ?

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can i just clarify for a section..


You are saying that a 2ft. Tall Stained Statue is a different price than a 2 Foot tall Painted statue.. It is also a different price from a 3Ft tall stained statue...


I DO believe that there was some kind of way around this, but I can not rememeber.. Right now my brain is fried.. i logged another 13 hours of web design and its 4 am. I need to sleep.. p[lus i have a fun day with the inlaws ahead of me.. SO yea.. I will sleep on this and see if i can think up anything...

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what would be simple :

2ft painted : 10 eur

2ft stained : 15 eur (+5)


3ft painted : 20 eur (x2 % 2ft)

3ft stained: 25 eur (+5)

(or 3ft stained: 30 eur (+50% % painted) ... or any systemic price)


what is :

2ft painted : 10 eur

2ft stained : 15 eur


3ft painted : 18 eur

3ft stained: 24 eur


see the problem ? there is no system in the prices, they're all custom :(

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