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Place order and pay later


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I have recently had a customer place an order in my osCommerce store. They selected PayPal IPN as the payment method however they have not paid yet. I assume that they had left the PayPal page before any payment had been made. However, the order was registered with my osCommerce as pending and this placement is used by the PayPal IPN module I have installed to automatically update the status later on when a payment is made.


If this happens and the payment is not made, I was wondering if it were possible for the customer to go back into their account at a later date and see this order as not paid and have an option for them to complete the payment.


So basically if a customer orders something, doesn't pay for it but the order is registered as pending, I would like an option for them to pay later. This could be thought of as a "Save order and pay later" feature. You could even have a button on the order page or something allowing customers to save their order but not pay for it or something. I have looked around and have not found any sort of feature so if there is one already I apologize.


Looking forward to your suggestions!

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Yes, but with the PayPal IPN module I have installed (the most common one I believe), it is storing the orders as pending immediately when a person clicks on checkout and is taken to PayPal. So therefore I would like an option in case they leave the page to be able to continue from where they left off. At the moment the order even comes up in the customers previous orders list and they can view it as if they would any other order which is wrong as it hasn't been paid for yet.

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Exactly, and if a customer leaves PayPal and does NOT pay, I have an order with a status of "Preparing [PayPal Standard]" and it is even appearing in customers accounts. As a result, I would like to be able to offer a button where they can simply "checkout" through PayPal and pay it.

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No, once they click checkout, PayPal IPN stores the shopping cart into the database and removes the items from the shopping cart. As soon as the click checkout, the order is stored as an order whether they paid for it or not. So after they hit order, their order even appears in their previous order list even though it is unpaid.

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Thats just how that Paypal contribution works. Its basically made to create a "reference order" because previous issues with Paypal would sometimes not pass back the details of the customers purchase, hence leaving the store owner clueless of what was ordered.


By default Oscommerce will save the customers cart until they checkout. So a Paylater feature is basically there, aside for the fact that you cant see it "pending" in the admin.

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You don't seem to understand how it PayPal IPN works. Basically when someone checks out their cart is removed and placed in an order. If they don't pay for the order, it is still being processed as an order by the PayPal IPN contrib and therefore they cannot use their cart anymore. Instead, the order has gone through and the only way to fix the problem is to delete the orders and restock the quantities and have the customer re-order their products.


As you can tell, this is not the ideal setup for me and I was wondering if there is an option for me to allow later payment for orders of a certain status. For example "Preparing [PayPal IPN]". It would be nice if it checks for this ID and then allows customers to process their order via PayPal if they want.

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