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The e-commerce.

Online Re-Sale Shop. All feedback Appreciated!


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Hello. Planning to launch within a week or so selling second-hand items from auctions/garage sales etc. We will be changing the color scheme soon. We would appreciate any feedback about this site. I know we use alot of stock OSC layouts, but it is very functional for beginners and Non-Graphic Designers like us. Homepage is not OS-Commerce but store is. Thanks.


Webpage: www.webstersattic.com


Store: www.webstersattic.com/store

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Hello. Planning to launch within a week or so selling second-hand items from auctions/garage sales etc. We will be changing the color scheme soon. We would appreciate any feedback about this site. I know we use alot of stock OSC layouts, but it is very functional for beginners and Non-Graphic Designers like us. Homepage is not OS-Commerce but store is. Thanks.


Webpage: www.webstersattic.com


Store: www.webstersattic.com/store



Hello Websters@ttic,

I just joined os and checking out websites and themes, I think yours is just great, including your store name.

Great Heading, Goodluck to you

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